Sunday, November 10, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "The Breakup Song"

I was awake several times during the night praying for pastors. The Lord had me praying specifically for ones who are being led astray by the enemy. He can make our life look so bleak when in fact God knows what is going on and does not leave us. There are times when we walk away from Him due to be discouraged, hurt, etc. but He never walks away from us. Sometimes the enemy uses fear to scare us to thinking God no longer is with us or loves us. During the night and again this morning I had a song Francesca Battistelli sings called The Breakup Song going through my mind.

Fear, you don't own me
There ain't no room in this story
And I ain't got time for you
Telling me what I'm not
Like you know me, well guess what?
I know who I am
I know I'm strong
And I am free
Got my own identity
So fear, you will never be welcome here

This is exactly what we need to tell the enemy when he comes knocking. God is the Only One who should be writing our story. We cannot allow the enemy even one open door into our lives or he will take over. My heart breaks for some pastors who have done this and now are living in chaos. There are some who have started listening to the enemy instead of God and if truth be told, they would admit they are miserable. They are scared of what is happening in their lives and ready to just give up. We must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and allow God to work in us through the Holy Spirit. As we do, our faith will be strengthened and our trust in God will go deeper. The enemy will be wiped out of our lives as we live such a life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me throughout the night to pray for pastors! Thank You for giving me Your words to pour out over them! I pray for each one who will be in the pulpit today to feel Your empowerment to speak the words You so desire. I pray for ones who should be in the pulpit but not to feel Your love in a powerful way. Lord, I pray most of all for those with spiritual needs to come into full relationship with You. I pray for those going through 'tough' days to rely upon you so the enemy will have no open doors in their lives. Lord, I ask again for healing in Doc's body. I pray against the effects of the chemo for him. I pray You will strengthen his faith through these days of unknown. Lord, take us deeper in our faith so the enemy does not pull us down. I pray the same for many others going through 'tough' times. Be with Steve during these 'tough' days with Peggy; Mark and Lisa; the pastor who is not presently in the pulpit; pastors who are seeking Your will for their lives and struggling to hear it; pastors will prodigal children who are blaming themselves; my pastor friend with marital issues; and so many others who are being hit by the enemy. Father, I pray for cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me with more of You. I pray for You to be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. When disappointment comes, may I draw nearer to You and not pull away. Thank You Jesus for being My Story Maker! Amen.

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