Tuesday, November 26, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Thrive"

During the night God woke me to pray for those who are struggling with this holiday season. He had me pray for so many who are having a 'hard' time with saying 'Happy Thanksgiving' and feeling happiness. There are many reasons holidays can be hard and He brought many into my prayers.

  • Those who live away from their family and cannot get together.
  • Those with prodigal children.
  • Those without a home, food on their table, etc.
  • Those whose family is torn apart due to conflict.
  • Military families with loved ones deployed.
  • Police, fire, hospital/emergency personnel, military etc. who must work on the holiday.
  • Families with loved ones facing a terminal disease where it may be their last holiday on this earth.
  • Those who have lost a loved one and this is their first Thanksgiving without them. 
  • Those who lost loved ones whether it be a year or twenty years ago that miss them greatly.
  • My friend in the hospital in critical condition from an accident on Sunday.
  • My friend who has three eight hour days of chemo this week. 
  • A young man who had testicular cancer surgery yesterday that has spread to his abdomen as he awaits testing to see if it has spread further. 
  • Those who are lonely, especially the elderly who are so often forgotten.
  • The newly divorced or separated.
  • Those with depression.
  • Those looking for employment.
  • College students who are too far from home to go for the holidays, especially missionary kids.
As I prayed, the tears came. I have so much to be grateful for. I've been in some of these situations before. I remember some tough holidays. God brought me through them and will see everyone through them that allows Him. He desires to comfort us through 'tough' days. His desire is for us to lean into His strength to not just 'get through' them but to thrive through them. I love a song Casting Crowns sings called Thrive. Part of it goes...

Just to know You and
To make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

Yes! The result of allowing God to work in and through us is found later in the song when it goes...

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Yes! All things are possible when God is in the middle of it. I remember times of feeling like a holiday would never end because I felt so alone. I felt like there was no way to put together a holiday meal because of lack of finances but God provided. It is in such days God shows up and loves on us more than ever imaginable. He loves on us with a love that is unfathomable. He is a gentleman and won't push Himself on us but the desire of His heart is for all to love Him. My heart is breaking this morning as I think of some who are in 'tough' situations and are not in relationship with Him. I don't know how people get through life without Him. I talk to Him all the time and lean into His strength to get through every day. 

When my body physically hurts, I pray for His strength to do His will.   
When my emotional body hurts, I pray for His strength to help with the tears.
When my mental capacities are struggling, I pray for His strength to give me clarity.
When my financial being is struggling, I pray for His provision.
When my spiritual strength is dwindling, I pray for people to pray for me.

I go through at least one of these situations every day of life. That is why I am so close to God. Many times when people have 'good' days, they don't realize they need Him. It is during the 'challenging' times our faith grows. I am so thankful God gave me II Timothy 1:7 to stand upon prior to the pancreatic cancer diagnosis in Doc's body. When He opened my eyes to the fact that self-control/sound mind/self-discipline, meant moving from just believing to being Christ-like. I am so grateful for the way He loves me enough to encourage me to love like He does. I also am grateful for the peace that comes with living a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for waking me to pray for so many during the night! Thank You for the way You are going to heal Doc's body so he can function today! Lord, these last few days have been so tough on him. May today be the day You are greater than the cancer in him. Lord, my heart is hurting to see him struggling so. I pray for all I prayed for during the night that are struggling physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all spiritually. Lord, my prayer list is long and I don't need to say all the names but I pray especially for: Doc; the family of the man in the accident; my friend in his second day of chemo; the young man who had testicular cancer surgery yesterday; Jim, Shirley, and Renee with the first Thanksgiving without their spouses; Steve, Mark, Dale, Rita, Mike, Maxine, and my two pastor friends as they or their spouses are dealing with cancer; my friend who continues to look for employment; and so many others. Lord, may You be greater than their situations. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength. Amen.

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