Tuesday, November 19, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 6 - "Fighting My Battles"

Yesterday was such an emotional day for me. The morning was full of tears that were determined to not stop. As I watched a video from my friend Christy, they flowed. She was talking about how there are times we quit believing in a miracle. I don't want to quit believing for Doc to be healed while on this earth but there are times where the doubts creep in. When you seem to take a step forward and then get hit with something that takes you two steps back, it's hard. Christy talked about how we need to keep our focus on God and not allow the enemy to have his way. Throughout the last couple of weeks there have been many obstacles put before the leaders doing Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Shoeboxes. Illnesses, deaths, fires in churches, ants in boxes brought in...the list goes on and on. The enemy does not like how the Gospel is being spread through this ministry. There are believers who are voicing their distrust over people from Hollywood, the music industry, etc. who are turning their lives around and striving to live for Christ. The enemy is very unhappy with these people and is using believers to discredit their testimony. Shootings with deaths are happening all over the United States and fights in professional ball games have become the topic of discussion instead of talking about Jesus. All of these things are distractions to get our focus off of God. The enemy loves such activity. He loves when we chose to 'do for God' instead of basking in His presence. Some of the things that fill our days may seem 'good' but if they are not what God desires of us they are not. We need to be living in His presence so we can not only hear His voice but also walk in obedience to it. Then, and only then, will we not quit believing in the miracles we have been praying for. Christy's video brought me to my knees with asking God to empower me more to stand upon II Timothy 1:7. It encouraged me to strive to living a 24/7 life for Him even more than ever. When Doc sent me a text yesterday asking how I was doing, I told him I was an emotional wreck and couldn't stop crying. His response was, "Why are you crying? Well I guess I know but we have to take this stuff as it comes. It is in God's hands. We will wait on Him!" I know that but I still have times where I fall apart and that's OK. God made me with these emotions. They are part of my make-up. I also know He is with me to empower me to stand up against the enemy's tactics. As I think about how my life is, I realize the enemy does not like where I am spiritually. He does not like that I am a part of a prayer initiative daily praying up to November 2020 elections; strive to spread the Gospel wherever I go as I love with Jesus' love; lead a Bible study on Wednesday nights; preach the Word when given the occasion; am doing a Max Lucado Bible study; teach the children on Tuesday nights and some Sunday mornings; participate in Sunday school; and participated in packing eighty-two shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse. He does not like that I depend upon God to get me through every day when the physical aches and pains become real. He does not like that I continue to pursue God when he attacks. Plain and simple. I'm a threat to the enemy and he tries to take me out anyway he can. I wish he would realize that is not possible because I am standing on II Timothy 1:7 even more so than before his attacks. God gives me what I need every day to not give into his attacks. I start my days putting on God's armor (Ephesians 6) and standing in His empowerment. Today is a new day that is full but I refuse to allow the enemy to pull me down with his tactics. Instead I will stand in God's strength. I pray God will open doors for me to love with His love to all I meet. I pray He will enable me to not allow anything to distract me from what He desires.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for going before us with our doctor appointments and giving us clarity in our minds as we hear what the doctors say! Thank You for giving Doc strength to not just get through these appointments and teaching the teens tonight but to be blessed by You in every situation that comes his way! Thank You for Chris, Carrie, and the boys for delivering the shoeboxes to the drop-off church. Thank You for Joshua who helped Will to get the unloading of their possessions done! Thank You for Christy and her ministry! I am so blessed by her and pray You will bless her in abundance. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your love! May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a new, different way! I pray for all who are going through 'tough' days to be on their knees seeking more of You. I pray they will stand as Gideon did and realize the battle before them is not theirs but the Lord's. I pray they will be in relationship with You so they can be empowered to stand upon II Timothy 1:7. Lord, be with those with physical needs to be healed. I pray for Bev as she has foot surgery tomorrow; Martha as she awaits shoulder surgery; Mr. Fran as he continues to struggle; and so many others. Lord, may You be greater than their trials. Thank You Jesus for being My Armor! Amen.


Beth Meneely said...

Thank you, your writings today have given me strength for my journey.

My Strength said...

Praying His strength to be yours today, Beth! Love