Tuesday, November 5, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Oh How He Loves Us"

Wow! It was so nice to sleep nine hours. I was only up once and was able to go right back to sleep. Woo hoo! When I woke up I heard these words: "My beloved in whom I am well pleased." Another wow! I love when the Lord speaks over me. His words encourage me so greatly to 'keep on, keepin' on'! Yesterday was a day where I had to fight blah feelings all day. There was nothing in particular getting me down but I sure had to fight the tears from coming. Doc asked if it was because of the truck being in the shop and the unknown of how much it would cost to fix. I told him I wasn't sure. I thought maybe it was because I am feeling overwhelmed this week with labs, doctor appointment, and chemo but I don't know. Or maybe it's because I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride that never ends. Life seems to go from one obstacle to another. When I woke this morning, I found my right arm in pain and tingling. It's just a 'normal' situation I find myself in from time to time but it's not fun. Today I must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment. I'm not alone in this world. There are so many people on my prayer list going through tough times.

  • Physical: Doc; Mike; Mike; Paula; my Momma; Lynn as she awaits surgery; LaTia who is recuperating from surgery; Maxine; Little Richie; Little Finn; Little Natalie; two pastor friends with cancer; a friend's mother going through testing
  • Emotional: Jim, Renee, and Shirley as they continue to mourn the loss of spouses
  • Mental: Those taking classes to further their education
  • Financial: Our little church who needs to raise $40,000 in a short amount of time; a friend who has not had income for several months due to losing her job; another friend who changed jobs and adjusting to the income change; the man with a newborn looking for a job
  • Spiritual: Those not in relationship with the Lord; those in relationship yet have not given him free-reign over their lives; those who are changing His Word to suit their situation; those who are struggling with realizing He loves them
I am so thankful to live in the truth that He loves me and is always here for me. I am grateful for the way He never gives up showing His love to me. The words He spoke over me last night encouraged me so much. I will remember them throughout this day with whatever comes my way. I may not understand why He loves me so much when I do not always do what He desires. But I never doubted my parents love was still there when I did something that saddened them. I pray my boys never doubted my love for them either. If they did, I pray they will forgive me just as our Heavenly Father forgives.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You so much for the words You spoke over me last night! Thank You for the way You love on me and encourage me! Thank You for always knowing what I need, sometimes before I even realize it! Father, cleanse me today so You can fill me up with more of You. May You be my words, attitude, and actions throughout the day ahead. Father, go before us as we go to Doc's appointment. I pray his blood work will be ok so he can have chemo tomorrow. I pray for others going through treatments, therapy, surgeries, etc. Mike; Mike; Paula; my Momma; Lynn as she awaits surgery; LaTia who is recuperating from surgery; Maxine; Little Richie; Little Finn; Little Natalie; two pastor friends with cancer; a friend's mother going through testing; Heather's little girl with the broken foot; and many more. I pray for Jim, Renee, and Shirley as they adjust to not having their spouses. I also continue to pray for guidance for the money needed to finish the building rehab. Lord, there are so many on my prayer list with spiritual needs. They are the ones who need to experience a change in their lives that will be a forever change. I pray for Dan Bohi and his team as they strive to proclaim You all over this world. May we all be successful in bringing people into loving You in the way You so desire of all of us. May Your love ooze out of us in a new, different way today! Woo hoo! Thank You for being My Loving Father! Amen.

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