Thursday, November 7, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "joy"

Yesterday was full of praises in my life but I know there were others who had great disappointments. My heart is breaking for one who had a 'good' interview only to find out she did not get the job. It also is breaking for one who has been working on a project for many weeks and not seeming to get it completed. Both of these individuals are depending upon God for their situations. Both of them continue to keep plugging away at the task before them. But the disappointments still occur. How does one get through such times? How does one continue to trust God when things don't change? We must trust God and lean into Him for more of His strength each and every day. We must believe He is in control and His time is the right time. Easier said than done when you are in a situation that seems to be never-ending. Yesterday as Doc was taking chemo I prayed the medication would do what was needed so he could have surgery to remove the cancer from his body. I prayed for each person in the room having treatment to not just be healed physically but most of all spiritually. I prayed against side effects from the medication for each one. While he was taking treatment I walked over to billing to discuss the 'bill' I was told we needed to pay right away. I had checked this 'bill' a couple weeks ago and the insurance showed it was paid but we were given a paper when we went in yesterday saying it needed paid. Praise God it is not a bill that needs paid but what we are already making monthly payments on. Another praise from my time over there was having a nice visit with my friend Sandy. After we got home, I found out the young Momma who had a recent heart attack not only delivered a healthy baby but one that appears to be full term instead of early. Woo hoo! Praise God for answering many prayers! It is days like yesterday that remind me to praise Him in times where life is 'tough'! Today is 'normally' a 'good' day for Doc after a chemo treatment but he has been so miserable ever since getting home yesterday. My heart breaks. I wish I could take his place. I would give anything to make him feel better. I greatly dislike cancer and the side effects of the medication to get rid of it! I greatly dislike not having my husband be 'normal'! I greatly dislike the emotional roller coaster I am on with his situation! Praise God I know He is here for us 24/7! Praise God I know He loves us enough to give us exactly what we need to not just get through this time but to glorify Him through it! Praise God for putting II Timothy 1:7 on my heart to live by during these tough days! Praise God for being who I need Him to be in a powerful way! Praising God strengthens my spirit. It does not allow the enemy any open doors into my life. I choose to praise Him today as I continue to pray for healing in Doc's body. I choose to praise Him today instead of choosing to go to bed and cry. I chose to praise Him today because I know that is what He desires of me to do. I choose joy!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the praises from yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for loving me so greatly that You remind to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 during these tough' days! Father, my heart is breaking with the way Doc is feeling. I pray for Your healing touch to come down upon him in a mighty way. I pray today with be a 'normal' day after chemo instead of how he is feeling this morning. I also pray for: Lynne as she is recuperating from yesterday's surgery; the young Momma and her baby as they are bonding; Xavria as she gets her wisdom teeth out today; my friend who continues to seek employment; my friend's Momma who is going through testing; those going through cancer/treatments...Little Richie, Little Natalie, Maxine, Mike, Rita, Dale, and many others; those going through marriage issues; those with financial issues; and most of those with spiritual issues. May everyone find a reason to praise You in their situation. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. I need more of Your empowerment to get through today. I need more of Your love to share with all I meet. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy! Amen. 

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