Saturday, September 22, 2018

Malachi 4:1-6 - "I Can Only Imagine"

I woke up this morning singing "I Can Only Imagine" and began to think about those who are already with the Lord in heaven. Sometimes I am jealous of them. I know that may sound weird to some but for those who are striving to spend eternity with the Lord they will understand. Life on this earth can be hard as we deal with disease in our bodies, issues in relationships, job issues, financial issues, etc. Those things will not be a part of heaven because there will be no sin. No one knows what heaven will be like but we can be assured it will be a place of contentment. 

I can only imagine
What my eyes would see
When your face is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel 
Will I dance for you Jesus
Or in awe of You be still
Will I stand in your presence
To my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all

I strive to worship the Lord while on this earth but to think about worshiping Him 24/7 in a place with no negative distractions is hard to comprehend. Sometimes I think about whether we will know those we know on earth when we are in heaven. Will I get another hug from my Daddy? Will I be able to sit and pray with dear friends Lenore and Marilyn again? Will we have memories from here when we are in heaven? Will we be able to ask God questions that we've always desired answers to or will those questions even matter there? Will I be able to sit and talk to my sister who was taken from us so early? So, so many questions the mind can ponder upon. I do not have answers to these questions but I do know I will continue to strive to spend eternity where the answers are. I believe I am still on this earth for the purpose of loving others by being Jesus to them. Sometimes we all get off track and get caught up in daily things but we must work toward the goal of being Jesus to those we meet. There are times where I feel like I fail at this when I am struggling physically and can't leave the house but then I remember today's technology allows me to love on people even then. I remember when I was in bed awaiting a diagnosis which led to MS. I didn't have full control of my right hand so I couldn't write notes. I couldn't get out of bed on my own for awhile so it wasn't like I could go out much. I struggled to push the buttons on the phone but that was a way I could stay connected with people. I would make calls to check on people who were going through tough times and pray with them. If I found out someone had something to celebrate, I would call to congratulate them. God showed me ways to love with His love even in difficult situations. He showed me ways to encourage people which in turn encouraged me. Many would want to know how I was doing and I would give them a short answer but then I would get the conversation back on them. After going through therapy and learning how to use my right hand again I was able to start writing cards to people and once again write in my journal. I also was taught how to walk again so I could get back to work and begin functioning as a wife and mother again. Those were tough days but I learned so much about myself, my husband, and my boys during them. For that, I am grateful. I would not wish those type of days on any family in the sense of what you have to go through BUT I know we became closer to God and to one another through them. This morning I am thinking and praying for many who are going through tough days...
  • Paula and Jack as she continues to deal with health issues
  • Nancy as she awaits surgery Wednesday
  • Billie as they seek God's wisdom on the next step with her breast cancer
  • Mike and Peggy as they continue to deal with his health issues
  • Nada who is physically drained from going back to work after her bout with cancer
  • Little Richie as he had successful chemo this week to battle his leukemia
  • Jennifer as she struggles financially
  • One who is struggling physically which is impacting her job
  • Ms. Margaret who is so lonely and yearns to be done on this earth
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders from this song this morning. Thank You for giving me the goal of heaven for eternity. Father, I know for that to happen I must live in Your presence on this earth. I pray You will cleanse me so You can fill me. May Your words, actions, and attitude flow through me today. May Your love ooze out of me throughout this day in a mighty way. Father, I pray for everyone I prayed for this morning to realize Your love in their situation. May their faith grow stronger than before. May any who are not in relationship with You find You through these tough days. Thank You Jesus for being My Goal! Amen.

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