Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Acts 2 - "Holy Spirit"

I cannot even begin to imagine being present on the day of Pentecost. Being present for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a special event. I have been in services where the Holy Spirit's presence was so real. I did not want to speak nor did I want the pastor to. Instead I wanted to bask in His presence. I wanted more of Him to encompass me. Before such a thing can happen the Holy Spirit has to be welcomed. People cannot be afraid of Him but they must fear Him. They must not only realize He is real but they must desire to have Him in them. Peter's sermon on that day started with him affirming Jesus. He reminded them of the "miracles, wonders and signs" God had performed through Him. Sometimes I think the church today needs that reminder. Jesus did not just come to this earth to die. He came to this earth to die for each of us. God sent Him here to perform "miracles, wonders and signs" for a purpose. That purpose was to make believers out of all. The result of Pentecost is found in verses forty-one and forty-two of Acts 2. It reads: "That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers" (MSG). If I would have experienced the "sound like a strong wind, gale force" with people speaking in different languages" I think I would have became a believer too! How many churches are on fire with the Holy Spirit today? There are a few but not many. That saddens me. It saddens me that non-believers do not want Jesus in their life because of the way they see believers live. It also saddens me that we, as believers, do not share Jesus with all we meet. Being a lover of Jesus should flow out of us to the point there is no question who we follow. With the Holy Spirit pouring out of His people, anyone who walks into a church service should leave changed. I so desire to live in a church on fire with the Holy Spirit 24/7. I have been in them where the Holy Spirit is welcomed occasionally. I have also been in churches where one or two live in the Spirit but not all. Why? I think people are afraid of allowing the Holy Spirit free reign. What if someone spoke in tongues? (GASP!) What if someone was healed of an affliction? (GASP!) What if someone was given a word from the Lord? (GASP!) I have experienced physical healing many times when the Holy Spirit was given free reign. I also have been given a word from the Lord to share when He was allowed to work through the people. These things happen ALL the time when He is welcomed in. In Acts 2:12 it reads, "Their heads were spinning; they couldn't make head or tail of any of it. They talked back and forth, confused: "What's going on here?" (MSG). When the Holy Spirit comes, people will be confused because it is something they are not use to. But the more openness they have to Him, the more they will become comfortable with seeing "miracles, wonders and signs" occur. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace! Thank You for the example of Pentecost You have given us! Thank You for showing "miracles, wonders and signs" when You are allowed! Father, I pray for more of You. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me more. I pray You will enable me to walk in Your Spirit in a way that people will feel Your love through me. Lord, I pray for Dan Bohi and his team as they allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through them. I pray for Corey Jones and Rob McCorkle who both allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through them to bring people into relationship with You. Lord, may more churches allow Your Holy Spirit free reign. May more people come into relationship with You through people who allow You to work through them. Increase the number of people who will step away from fear and open themselves up to You. May You be greater in all believers. May You empower those who will allow Your Spirit to do so. Father, this morning I am praying for my back pain. Lord, whatever You want to do is what I desire. If I am to have this for a reason, please reveal that to me. If You choose to take it away, I will praise You but if not, I will still praise You! My desire is to live in Your will and walk a path of obedience. I pray for open doors today wherever You lead me. Shine bright through me so people will feel Your love. Lord, I also pray for physical strength for Doc but most of all I pray You will speak to Him and give Him Your direction. Thank You Jesus for being Our Fulfillment. Amen.

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