Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Ephesians 3:20 - "Beloved"

I woke up during the night and again this morning with the words to "Beloved" in my heart.

You are beloved
I wanted you to know
You are beloved
Let it soak into your soul
Oh, forget the lies you heard
Rise above the hurt
And listen to these words
You are beloved

There is no doubt in my mind God loves me. Some would ask if He loves me then why do I have MS or why did I go through breast cancer. I have had people ask me if we are still sure it was God's will for us to come to South Carolina with facing our third evacuation from a hurricane. Some others have questioned our decision since we still are not in our own church building. We know He loves us and we know we are living in the center of His will. We cannot explain the whys but we don't have to. We live in a walk of obedience that has taken us to some tough situations but God is faithful. He is able! 

He is able….
·     To do more                     
·     To do immeasurably more
·     To do immeasurably more than we ask

·     To do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine

Yes He is! I have prayed and prayed against evacuation from a hurricane. It appears that prayer has not been answered but there is still time for Him to perform another miracle. What has happened is that we are not going to have a direct hit from Florence. If it continues going north, we may have little effect from it. We continue to pray and wait. God is in control. We are not only praying for those in our area but for all areas of the storm for people to make wise decisions and be safe. We pray for not only the physical, emotional, mental, and financial aspects of their lives but most of all their spiritual needs. We are praying people will be saved in their spiritual life through this time of turmoil. If we are evacuated, we pray for opportunities to be Jesus to people we do know. Most of all we desire to be Jesus to those in need. We want people to feel loved just as we do by being in relationship with Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love that You lavishes upon us in such a great way. Thank You for the way You continued yesterday to encourage me with contact from friends and family all over the United States. Thank You for wrapping Your arms around me when I fell apart when I heard about mandatory evacuation. Thank You for giving peace in the midst of this storm. Lord, my heart is full but I pray for more of You. Cleanse me so You can fill me. May people see/hear You through me today in a mighty way. Thank You for being our wisdom with decisions today. Thank You for being Able! Amen.

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