Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Acts 2 - "Keep Making Me"

The Lord took me back to Acts 2 again this morning. One verse sticks out to me in particular. Peter reminded the Israelites in verse twenty-two, “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know" (NIV). This verse holds great meaning for those of that day and for us today. Peter was trying to get them to stop and realize who Jesus was. God used Jesus, while on this earth, to show His greatness to the people. We do not have Jesus with us in the physical sense but we still can see His greatness through seeing "miracles, wonders and signs." The more we see His greatness, the closer we drawn into relationship with Him. But not everyone sees such things which saddens me. When people are not in relationship with Him, they may not be able to comprehend His greatness. There are some who believe in Him and call themselves Christians yet do not live for Him daily. Their eyes can be blinded to seeing His greatness. People who live for Him in a 24/7 type of life see "miracles, wonders and signs" regularly. They are the ones who see waking up each morning with breath as a wonder. Per Holman Bible Dictionary "miracles, wonders and signs" are:

Events which unmistakeably involve an immediate and powerful action of God designed to reveal His character or purposes. Words used in the Scriptures to describe the miraculous include sign, wonder, work, mighty work, portent, power. These point out the inspired authors' sense of God's pervasive activity in nature, history, and people.

Woo hoo! God's action that reveal His purpose through nature, history, and people. Again, woo hoo! God desires to work in and through everyone. He desires for others to see His people be empowered by His Holy Spirit. He desires people to live a 24/7 type of life so they will be in such close communion with Him that His purpose will be shown through them. There are "miracles, wonders and signs" happening every day around the world. Yesterday I received a text from Brother Dan about a miracle that occurred Sunday night. A little boy named Calvin who was both blind and deaf was prayed over. Through the miraculous power of Jesus little Calvin can now hear and see. Wow, God! Woo hoo! All believers have the same opportunity to be as Brother Dan and his team have. We all cannot travel around the country as they do but we all can be empowered by the Holy Spirit as they are. If we want to see "miracles, wonders and signs" we first must be completely surrendered to His will. Then we must walk in the path He leads. Oh how I pray for more of Him to empower me and others.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the words from Acts 2 that encourage me so greatly to go deeper with You. Thank You for the healing of little Calvin. Thank You for empowering Brother Dan and his team to walk in obedience. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. Empower me to do what You so desire of me. Lord, I also pray You will put this desire on other believer's hearts. May more "miracles, wonders and signs" be seen in the coming days. I pray for a miraculous healing in my back today. I pray not just for relief but a complete healing. I pray You would touch the disks so they would be made new. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Empower Me. Amen.

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