Saturday, September 1, 2018

Jeremiah 29:1-14 - "You"

My heart is breaking for so many people in ministry. I continue to pray for the family of the young pastor who committed suicide last week. Most people do not understand the stress that is on a pastor and their family. A true pastor has a heart for people. They pour everything they have into others by loving with Jesus' love. If they are not careful, they become fatigued then that gives the enemy an open door.  I also am praying for...

  • many who are going through difficult times. Some of them are struggling in ministry, others with health issues in either themselves or their spouses, others are in transition in ministry with either moving or retiring, and others are struggling with their call. 
  • all pastors, no matter what denomination, to be refreshed by the Lord. 
  • an empowerment of the Holy Spirit to come down upon all pastors in a fresh way. 
  • churches today to be healthy and thriving. I am praying against division among the people and for compassion towards their pastor(s) and their families. 
  • pastors to not only have their eyes open for opportunities to love on others but especially for them to be open for opportunities for them to love on their own families. Too many times a pastor's family receives the last little bit of what a pastor has to offer. This causes unnecessary stress in their family.
  • retired pastors to find their new place in life. I pray for opportunities to be put before them to minister even though they are not in the pulpit each week.
  • evangelists to be encouraged as they go from place to place.
  • a pastor with a church in crisis to have wisdom, God's words, and most of all His love to flow from them.
  • pastors who have been in a season of trials in their church to lean on the Lord for His strength.
  • pastors who have left the ministry yet still feel called to pastor to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit
  • pastoral families to not feel unloved. Spouses to be open in communicating to their wife/husband. Children to be protected from the things people say or do against them or their parents.
  • bi-vocational pastors to not feel like they are failing in their ministry. I pray they will have good time management skills and wisdom in taking time off.
It is kind of odd that the Lord woke me praying for pastors when it is Saturday and that is what usually happens throughout the night. He must know there is extra prayers needed. I love that He woke me with the words to a song the Afters sing called "You"...

You're in my heart, You're in my soul 
You are my heaven, You're my home 
You're my best friend, You're my true love 
You are my treasure, You're my hope 
You are my peace, You are my joy 
You are my Savior, You're my God

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the privilege to pray for pastors, their families, and their churches. Thank You for being with each one that I prayed for. Thank You for encouraging each one of us as times get tough in ministry. Father, You have called us to where we are for a purpose. May we all fulfill that purpose! Cleanse us so you can fill us to overflowing with more of You. May we prosper where we are planted! May we not only hear Your voice but walk in obedience to it! Thank You Jesus for being My God! Amen.

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