Thursday, September 6, 2018

I Thessalonians 4:1-12 - "Beloved"

The world tries to convince us nobody cares about us. They try to make us believe we are worthless and not 'good enough' to be loved. Those are all lies. God loves us so much no matter what is happening in our lives. Sometimes He allows circumstances so we will go deeper in trusting Him. Sometimes He puts situations before us that will take our faith deeper. He will never let us 'drown' in our circumstances as long as we listen to Him. We cannot expect Him to save us from trials if we are not walking with Him every day, listening to His Voice, and being obedient to it. This morning the song "Beloved" was going through my mind. These words are powerful...

Don't let hope fade, keep you eyes fixed on the light above
In the heartbreak, in your mistakes, nothing can separate you from love
You are beloved
I wanted you to know
You are beloved
Let it soak into your soul
Forget the lies you heard
Rise above the hurt
And listen to these words
You are beloved

As we stay focused on Him, we will have hope. When we take our eyes off of Him, that hope will dim. He never leaves us...we are the ones to stray away from Him. He is always with us no matter what. I think one of the hardest things to realize is the lies of this world are just that. Lies. Untruth. Hurtful words and actions. None of these words describe God's love for us. Just as parents on earth need to discipline their children He does the same. Children do not like discipline and people do not like discipline from the Lord. But it is necessary. There are consequences that must be faced for decisions made not of Him. There may be some tough times ahead once someone gets on track with God but they are not alone. He is there every step of the way to enable them to be victorious in their daily life as long as they will walk in obedience to Him.

This morning I am praying for some people who have lost sight of what the Lord desires of them and need to re-focus on Him. Some are...
  • doing some unlawful things
  • paying for the decisions they have made in the past and continue to not listen to His direction
  • living 'the good life' with money, possessions, etc. and have left Him in their past
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning of Your love for me. Thank You for accepting me back with open arms when I strayed away years ago. Thank You for giving hope when situations seem bleak. Thank You for being greater than the words of this world that are put upon me. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. I desire to have people see/hear You instead of me today. Be greater than this fatigue so I can accomplish something today. I am tired of being tired. I pray today will be a day of not just laying around again. But Father whatever You desire is what I will do. Thank You for being The One to Love Me. Amen.

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