Monday, August 13, 2018

Psalm 136 - "Reckless Love of God"

Oh my...the words to "Reckless Love" are on my heart this morning and I am overwhelmed as I think of how much Jesus loves me. 

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn't earn it, and I don't deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeah

He loved me enough to not only create me but to give me to special parents. At the age of ten when I asked Him into my heart and was baptized He poured His love into my heart. Every time I strayed as a teenager His love was there for me. When I rebelled against Him as a young adult, He never turned away from me. When I came back, He was there with open arms. When I finally came to point of realizing the need to die to self, He filled me with His Holy Spirit. That empowers me to love on others with His love in a different way. Dying to self opened my eyes to what life is as I walk the road of obedience. His "Reckless Love" is everything I need and desire. It never ends but continues to be poured into me. Oh how I wish more people would take the step to this type of life. Being saved is great but it's not where any of us should stop in our relationship with Him. I also am saddened by how many children are being raised without a godly earthly father. I pray they will have someone in their life who will show them the love of their Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father gives us the example to love our children with every ounce of our being. He shows us how to protect them and guide them. Sometimes parents try to shelter them but that is not what is always needed. Discipline must occur for children to learn. There are many parents in today's society who try to be their child's friend instead of leading them as a parent. The result of such a relationship can get ugly. Yes, God is our friend but He also disciplines us as needed. Earthly parents need to do the same. This morning I am thinking of many parents who are not in relationship with God. I am praying someone in their world will open their eyes so their children can be raised in the faith. I also am praying for parents of prodigals. I pray they will not give up on their children. I'm praying for the Momma of a little guy in the hospital; the parents of two little guys with diseases; and the parents of a little guy in an accident yesterday. I pray all of them will know the Lord's strength throughout the difficult days of life. I pray they will trust the Lord in the days of the unknown.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love as my Heavenly Father. Thank You for knowing me inside and out so You know exactly what I need before I even need it. Thank You for never turning away from me. May You continue to work in and through me. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray for an outpouring of Your love to ooze out of me so people will see/hear instead of me today. Lord, be with the parents I have prayed for. May each one of them be in relationship with You so they will be empowered as they make decisions for their children. Thank You Father for being My Heavenly Father. Amen.

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