Thursday, August 9, 2018

John 15:7 - "He Still Does Miracles"

My God is still in the miracle making business! Woo hoo! What an exciting day yesterday! Multiple people proclaimed healing in their physical bodies...

  • A tumor in a heart gone on the final test that was run.
  • A mass gone that showed on the first testing.
  • A lady using a cane due to the after effects of a stroke now walking on her own.
  • A surgery that was denied was approved.
These were because people believed and prayed. They did not give up praying but continually cried out to the Lord asking for answers. He does not always provide the answer we desire but He always answers. Sometimes He answers with a 'maybe' or a 'wait' and some times He even answers with a 'no' but no matter what His answer is it is the best answer of all. He knows what is best for us. There are times when we think we know what we want but in fact that is not what is best for us. No matter what we must never give up trusting and believing in the Lord. Not long ago I heard a sermon where it was preached about how nothing is impossible with God but circumstances can be impossible if people are not in right relationship with Him. That made me stop and think about how many times it seems like circumstances are impossible and I wonder why. As I think about such circumstances and the people involved it makes sense. If people are not walking the road of obedience, how can they expect God to honor their prayers? If they have never asked Him into their heart, how can they expect Him to grant them their wishes? It makes me think of people who are not in relationship with Him who will ask me to pray for them. I pray for them to get to the point in their life where they can pray for themselves. That is the ultimate prayer I say for people. Salvation and sanctification. The two best things anyone can do in their life. When one accepts salvation, their past sins are washed away. As they walk in obedience, their life will change as they die to self. Their walk with Christ will go deeper and they will see more miracles occur in their little world. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You have shown Yourself this week with miracles being revealed. Thank You for providing Carrie with the miracle of the approval of her surgery. I pray she will know Your peace and healing through this time. I also pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me with more of the Holy Spirit. Take my faith deeper than it has ever gone before. Stretch it to where there is no doubt You are taking me to new places. I pray for the revelation of more miracles. I pray for people to not only pray to You but more importantly to have faith in You that their prayers will be answered. I also ask for strength for Doc as he works in this heat unloading the truck today. He needs a miracle. Thank You Jesus for being My Miracle Maker. Amen.

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