Friday, August 3, 2018

Philippians 3:14 - "Tunnel"

The Lord took me to the third chapter of Philippians this morning and stopped me at verse fourteen. Sometimes it is hard to keep sight on a goal due to the difficulties that are placed in the way in the process of attaining the goal. Other times it seems like a goal is unreachable and we give up. The prize of eternal life with Christ is never unattainable. It is never unreachable when we stay focused on Him. There will be...

  • difficulties along the way
  • times where we question what we are doing
  • people or circumstances that will discourage us
But we must never stop pressing on to reach the goal. God's got every situation we are in. He knows our trials and is there to lift us up. He will be the encouragement needed to never quit. He will give little surprises along the way that will enable us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes that light may seem too dim but it never goes away. Paul was giving these words of encouragement to the Philippians because he lived such a life. He never quit focusing on God. Instead he forgot about what happened in the past and stayed focused on the future. When we focus on the past, we will no longer be able to stay focused on the future. The light at the end of the tunnel will become so dim it may even go out. We cannot allow that to happen. God is our God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The desire of His heart is for us to learn from yesterday but not to live in it. He desires our focus to be on what He wants of us today. I don't believe He wants us to focus on the immediate future but only the future of eternal life with Him. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the words of encouragement from Paul. Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that enables me to live in today. Thank You for the promise of eternal life with You when I stay focused on the prize of such a life. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and most of all focus throughout this day. Enable me to not dwell on the news from yesterday but to look toward my future with You as I live in this day. Father, I pray for Carletta as she has another surgery today, Janet as she goes through her issues, and many others who are dealing with tough days. Lord, may You be greater than their issues. May You be greater than things that will take their focus off of You. I pray for a great reunion for Brooke and Cody with their families. Father, thank You for all the ways You love on us. Thank You for being My Light At The End of The Tunnel. Amen.

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