Sunday, August 26, 2018

Psalm 37:1-7 - "Counting Every Blessing"

Before going to bed I prayed for all pastors who would be preaching this morning, the people who would be hearing the messages, and for pastors who are normally in the pulpit but out for one reason or another. I told the Lord if He needed me to pray during the night He would need to wake me because I was taking medicine for my back and hoped to get rest. He only woke me once and that was to pray for Doc. When we awoke yesterday, he told me God was changing the message he had prepared earlier in the week. He spent the day working on the new message. I know when this happens questioning comes into play. You wonder if it is truly God or if it's you thinking the message should change. You also question whether the first sermon you wrote was from truly from God or if you just thought it was. I know because my husband is a man who hears from God when a sermon changes it is because God changes it. Sometimes I think He does it to see if we will walk in obedience. Sometimes I think it is because He knows someone has changed their mind about coming to church that needs to hear something specific. It does not matter the reason. All that matters is that we are obedient to Him. I think of the Scripture from my sermon last week. When we trust, delight, commit, and rest in Him, we will live righteous lives. As we live a righteous life, we not only will hear from God but we will have the desire in our heart to walk in obedience. This takes a life going past salvation and into the walk of sanctification. It takes dying to self so you can walk the path God takes you down. It means loving with His love even when it is hard. I pray all pastors are living such a life. I also pray the ones who are not will have their eyes and hearts opened to what they need to do. I pray for those who have been called to preach and have walked away to allow God to soothe their soul. I also pray for those who are struggling with being a pastor to allow God to do the same for them. Pastoring is not for the faint of heart. It takes God's strength to continue each day but it also takes being in relationship with Him, hearing His voice, and walking in obedience. This type of life is not just for pastors but for everyone.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all that You do for me! Thank You for the way You work in and through me! The smile on my friend's face as I left yesterday was priceless. Thank You for the opportunities I have with sharing Your love with her. Father, open the door for me to share salvation with her. I am waiting on Your timing and direction. Lord, I pray for all pastors who are preaching this morning but I especially pray for Doc with the change of his sermon. I pray for the people who will be in congregations today to receive the message with open hearts. Lord, be with those who are contemplating going to church to go. I pray for pastors, their spouses, and families to feel loved by their people today. I pray against negative words or actions against them or out of them. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me so people will hear/see You instead of me. Thank You Jesus for being My Righteousness. Amen.

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