Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Philippians 4:13 - "Worn"

I woke up this morning to the song "Worn" and immediately started praying for some people who are going through tough days who do not realize the strength of the Lord. 

I’m Tired I’m worn
My heart is heavy
From the work it takes
To keep on breathing

The song continues

And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left

That is exactly what people need to do. Cry out to the Lord but not just during tough days but every day. Throwing up a 'flare prayer' in time of need may not get the desired result. We don't like when friends only contact us when they want something so we shouldn't expect God to be happy with us if the only time we talk to Him is when we want something. Today I am praying for some people in different circumstances...

  • A man having surgery today who is not in relationship with the Lord.
  • A lady going through radiation treatments who has the Lord's strength but is "Worn" from the cancer.
  • A family in crisis. Some are in relationship with the Lord while others are not. Some are pretending to be following the Lord when they are allowing the enemy to be in control.
  • A lady at 'rock bottom' who needs to realize a true relationship with the Lord.
  • A man who was recently incarcerated and needs Christian counsel.
  • A wife/mother who is in relationship with the Lord but needs to feel her worth in Him.
  • A lady who has a critical spirit to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through her.
  • The people of our church to not give up as we continue the fight to proclaim the message of holiness in our little world.
  • Parents with prodigals who are praying for their return.
There are so many believers who feel "Worn" but God is there to uplift them. He never leaves us. He may not answer our prayers in the manner we desire but He does answer our prayers. We have to learn how to accept the 'bad' along with the 'good' things life brings. It is in the 'bad' times that our faith is stretched and we go deeper with the Lord. But what about those who do not know Him? How do they get through 'bad' times? I need to get better at encouraging people to get in relationship with Him. I need to love with His love in a mightier way than ever before. I need to allow His supernatural empowerment to come down over me so people will spend eternal life with Him. The way to do this is to focus on Him and not on my circumstances. When I focus on me, I fail. When I focus on Him, He works in and through me. I am blessed in knowing He is the One to 'fix' me. He is the One to take my flaws and turn them into blessings. When I was broke, He was the adhesive to mend me. When I was dirty with sin, He cleansed me. He can do the same for everyone when they accept Him into their heart. But it doesn't stop there. It takes daily living, walking in obedience, and loving with His love to live as He desires.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Thank You for being not only my Savior but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of my life. Father, cleanse me today so You can use me to share Your love with all I meet. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You be greater than me. Father, I pray again for all I previously mentioned. I pray those who don't know You will come into relationship with You; those who know You yet have turned away will return to You; those who are allowing the enemy control will get their focus back on You; and those that are "Worn" from life's circumstance and know You will depend upon Your supernatural strength. Thank You Jesus for being My Adhesive. Amen.

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