Sunday, August 12, 2018

I Timothy 3:1-7 - "Always"

During the night the Lord had me up three times praying for pastors. 

  • The first time was for retired pastors and their spouses. He had me pray for churches to have them preach if they were still able to do so. He also had me pray for them and their spouses emotional needs. Many of them were known for years as 'pastor' or 'pastor's wife/husband' and yet here they are in life feeling like they don't know where they belong. There are great financial needs for many too. 
  • The second time He woke me to pray for 'pastors in training.' He had me pray for those in my class who are finishing up their sermons to deliver next week. There are also those who are finished with school but have not accepted a church yet. He had me pray for them to wait upon Him and not go through doors He has not opened.
  • The third time He woke me to pray for pastors who will go into the pulpit today. Some will preach to a few while others to thousands. Some will preach with joy in their heart while others are suffering from something that is tearing them apart. Some will preach to people who love them while others will be preaching to people who want to see them leave. Some will be physically ill or have a loved one physically ill yet they will be in the pulpit under God's strength and direction.
Some individual pastors came into my thoughts while I was praying. Some I know their struggles while others I don't know what is happening in their little world. I cried out for the Lord to meet the needs of: Doc, Mike D., Stephen, Mike N., Junior, David, Michael, and Kevin. He also had me praying for three pastors and their spouses who are no longer in ministry. May they hear from Him on the doors they are to walk through.

I love my Saturday nights of praying for pastors. It is so cool how He uses me to do so. Being a pastor is challenging yet so rewarding. It is a road that one needs to live in the Lord's presence. The challenges of a pastor's life are not for those who want to know how their life will be nor for those who want a set schedule. It is a life of giving of yourself even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. The way it is possible is having the Holy Spirit be in you to the point of overflowing. It is having His words when the human part of you wants to say ungodly things. It is having a spirit of His love for all.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another Saturday night of praying for pastors. Thank You for the way You give me a specific group or individual to pray for each time You wake me. I think it is because You know that is the only way my brain will work! Father, cleanse me today so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. I pray for people to not only go to church today but to go with the right mindset and be open to whatever You desire them to receive. Lord, thank You for being My Always. Amen.

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