Sunday, June 24, 2018

Isaiah 6 - "Walking On Water"

Yesterday was an emotional day with being here and not in Ohio with for my family picnic. As the tears fell yesterday morning I prayed for the Lord to be with me like He was the first Christmas we were here and not with family. He is always so faithful. He gave me time with two friends who reminded me of just how precious life is. He also blessed me with reading a note from another friend about how hard it is to be a military wife and away from family. I always knew I was not alone in being away from family but this reminder gave me a better perspective. When I was awaken during the night, I prayed for pastors and their families. I know there are many who are also away from families and I prayed for them. I prayed for spouses of pastors who sacrifice so much in life. I prayed for children of pastors who get uprooted from what they know as life to be moved to a new place. Sometimes those moves are so hard on the children, especially if they are in their teens. I prayed for pastors without spouses. Some have never had a spouse yet others have lost their spouse. I prayed for the Lord to be extra close to them as they do not have a spouse there to support them through the joys and trials of ministry. I prayed for pastors to follow God's will. This takes a life of not only hearing His voice but walking in obedience to it. The first thing that came to my mind this morning was Isaiah 6:8. My sermon for school is on Isaiah 6:1-8. I thought maybe I was thinking about this verse because of that and then it hit me that God knew I needed to read it again. This chapter is about a vision God gives Isaiah. The end result is Isaiah becomes sanctified. If he would not have realized his sinful heart, he never would have been commissioned to go and serve. It was only when he became 'undone' before the Lord that he could hear His voice. He was blessed through the process. I am blessed as I live a life ready to do whatever He calls me to do. Saying 'yes' to South Carolina did not make sense in many ways. There are still family members who disagree with our move. But knowing we are living in God's will makes what others think a mute point. Yes, there are days like yesterday where my heart breaks but the Lord was with me throughout the day in a way that enabled me to not only just get through the day but to love on others in the process. I could have moped around all day, crying and being upset but there was no need of that. Instead I ministered to others and in turn was ministered to. I pray for pastors and spouses in such situations to be empowered to do the same. I pray for them to be in relationship with the Lord to where they know they are walking in His will. This prayer is not just for pastors and their spouses but for everyone. I pray for those who do not believe to find Him. I pray for those who believe but have not yet got to the point of sanctification to get to the end of themselves. I pray for those who are sanctified to continue going deeper. This world is so ugly. There is so much turmoil and sadness. He is the answer. Last night as I prayed before going to sleep I prayed for Him to return to get us out of this mess. Then He reminded me I was being selfish because there were still many who do not know Him. I asked for forgiveness for my selfishness. I also prayed for boldness in sharing Him so more will come into relationship with Him. He brought to my mind, "Walking On Water"....

There's no turning back
Nothing in the past
My eyes on You again
Can't see nothing at all
But Your outstretched arms
Help me believe it
Though I falter
You got me walking on water

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to be Your servant. Thank You for bringing pastors and their families to my prayers during the night. Thank You for the reminder of the call You put on our life through Isaiah's commission. Thank You for the reminder from this song that I need to look ahead and not to the past. Thank You for being the one to cleanse me and fill me so I can be the servant You have called me to be. Father, be with all pastors who will be in the pulpit this morning to have the realization of Your great love. Give them boldness, clarity, and empowerment to preach what You desire. I pray for people's ears and hearts to be open to what You desire of them to hear. Knock the enemy down when he tries to get to people. Thank You Jesus for being The One to Commission Me. Amen.

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