Monday, June 11, 2018

Deuteronomy 31:8 - "Even If"

"I know you're able...And I know You can...Save through the fire...With Your mighty hand...But even if You don't...My hope is You alone..." These words are going through my mind this morning. There are so many hurting people. My heart breaks for them. Some know the Lord, some know of Him but are not in relationship with Him while some do not know Him at all. So many who feel they are not going to be able to make it through their present circumstances. I am praying they will realize they are not alone. There are some who feel like their faith is dwindling. I pray they remember these words...

They say it only takes a little faith
To move a mountain
Good thing
A little faith is all I have right now
But God when You choose
To leave mountains unmovable
Give me the strength
To be able to sing
It is well with my soul

There are times when the Lord's will is to leave our circumstances as they are. His desire is to strengthen our faith and that means we need to go through trying circumstances. It is then our faith will grow. This morning I am praying for so many people as they go through trying days...
  • Bonnie and Jerry Knox with the death of their oldest son
  • Paula Baughan as she continues to be in extreme pain with her hip issues
  • Carletta as she deals with anxiety
  • Leslie as she preforms her brother's funeral 
  • Richie's family as they continue to deal with his leukemia
  • Mr. Fran as he deals with difficult days
  • Ben with his injured foot
  • Jennifer as she struggles with life
  • The Brake family as they move to their new church
  • John, Nada and Nancy as they battle disease
  • A family in turmoil
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your strength that gets us through trying days and in turn stretches our faith. Thank You for loving us so greatly. Thank You for the blessings You give us. Lord, may You be greater than the challenges people are facing. May You be greater than the diseases people are dealing with. May You be so real to people that they will realize there is no one but You to turn to. People will disappoint them but You will not. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. Give me exactly what You desire to stretch my faith. There are a lot of strains right now in our life but You are greater than all of them. You already know the how's and when's of our situation. May You bless us with more obedience in our spirit so You can work all aspects of our life out for Your glory. Thank You Jesus for being My Mountain Mover. Amen.

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