Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Romans 12:12 - "God Is Able"

The first thing that came to my mind this morning was, "I'm sorry Lord for falling apart yesterday." His response was, "It is OK, Daughter. But you must remember I am in control of the chaos." Immediately He brought the words to "God Is Able" to my mind...

In His name, we overcome
For the Lord, our God is able
God is with us
God is on our side
He will make a way
Far above all we know
Far above all we hope
He has done great things

I was thinking about the word overcome and looked up the definition...

v. verb 
  • 1. To defeat (another) in competition or conflict. overcame the opposing team in the last quarter.
  • 2. To deal with successfully; prevail over; surmount. tried to overcome the obstacles of poverty.
  • 3. To overpower, as with emotion; affect deeply. was overcome with grief.

As I think about it, when we overcome something it doesn't necessarily mean it goes away. It can mean just that we get a handle on it. "In His name, we overcome..." That is a pretty strong statement. We must call upon the Lord in order to get through each and every day of life in the manner He desires of us. "He is able" to do anything and everything. He may chose to not take us out of the chaos we are going through in order for us to grow into Him in a deeper faith. Turmoil in life equals us making the choice of walking away from Him or pressing into Him.

Yesterday was such a frustrating day in so many ways. I don't want for today to be the same. I don't want to have my new normal to be filled with tears. How can I make sure that doesn't happen? By pressing into Him and calling upon His name. He reminded me this morning of Romans 12:12...

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Joyful in hope..."He will go before...He will never leave us"
Patient in affliction..."He has open arms...He will never fail us"
Faithful in prayer..."For the Lord, our God is able"

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders today of Your love for me. Thank You for encouraging me through Your Word and through this song. Lord, You impressed upon me this morning to pray for...
the family with the loved one that Hospice has been called in for...
the family with their Momma taken to the hospital last night...
the family with their loved one in serious condition and transferred to OSU...
the families with the loss of loved ones these last few months...
the one having a procedure this morning...
Lord, I pray each of these ones will rely on Your strength to get through the tough days. I pray they will be able to say Romans 12:12 and mean it. I also pray I will hold Romans 12:12 close in my heart. Father, I know that if You choose to You could take away this chaos in my life. I also know You can use it to be glorified. Father, more of You and less of me is the desire of my heart. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Overcome. Amen.

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