Thursday, September 10, 2015

Philippians 4:13 - "This Is The Stuff"

Less than two hours after going to sleep the Lord woke me up to pray. When I asked who I was to pray for, He replied "you." It is not my normal for Him to wake me up to pray for myself but when I questioned Him, He clearly said "Pray for yourself, Daughter." So I began to pray. As I did, a song that I heard yesterday came to my mind and I chuckled. Boy does my God have a sense of humor! 

This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately 
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed 
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I've gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing 
Might not be what I would choose 
But this the stuff You use

So much going on in my world and the Lord knew I needed reminded He is in control of the chaos. I prayed for physical strength but most importantly I prayed for spiritual strength. I prayed for emotional strength as I await on test results, insurance issue to be resolved, appeal process to be completed, my hubby's health to improve...the list goes on and on. I also prayed for mental strength as I finish out this class this week. When I finished praying for myself, I fell back asleep only to be woke up again a couple hours later. That time the train whistle blew and I prayed for all the railroaders and their families. I prayed for the children who their Mommy or Daddy had to miss a 'first' or a birthday due to their job. I prayed for protection of the marriages of the railroaders along with protection on the job. I thought I heard it raining and it reminded me to pray for farmers, in particular for the migrant farmers who would be leaving our area soon. I prayed for their families to adjust to a new living place and for the children who will have to adjust to a new school. I fell back asleep only to be woke up again in a short time to pray for the one who left rehab yesterday before completing the program. Oh, how my heart breaks for his family. I pray they exercise tough love and I also pray he will come into a personal relationship with the Lord. As I prayed for him, I thought of another man who struggles with alcoholism. I prayed for him to stay clean and for his marriage to be strengthened through all they go through. I prayed Christ will be the center of their marriage and they would feel His strength. I prayed for the Lord's strength to be my Momma's strength as she recuperates from surgery. I prayed for everyone who is caring for her, taking her to appointments, etc. and thanked the Lord for all involved. Once again, sleep took over and once again, I was woke up to pray. This time it was for a boy in class last night that broke my heart yet also made me realize we are teaching the children right. We talked about Rosh Hashanah and how we can reflect over the Ten Commandments to determine how we are doing in our relationship with the Lord. When I asked if they had any other gods in their life, he responded "football." He shared how the football schedule takes him away from church some Sundays. I thanked the Lord that this child recognized this and I prayed for him. I also prayed for the ones who are responsible for making the schedule for games and for the parents that participate. As I told him, football itself does not have to be a god. It is only when we allow it, or anything else, take the place of God that it becomes a god. I also prayed for 'my' teens who struggle with life each and every day as they make decisions to either stand up for their Christianity or give in to the ways of the world. I prayed for them to think about what they have been taught in church when making decisions. Once again, sleep took over. 

When I woke up before 6:00, I wondered how I would ever make it through this day. I can't even begin to count up the hours I had slept. But then the Lord reminded me I was doing His work throughout the night and He would give me exactly what I needed to get through this day. He reminded me that I can do all things through His strength (Philippians 4:13). He also reminded me that He is not a God of chaos but of peace.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for waking me throughout the night to pray. Lord, I pray a blessing over my prayers. I pray for a difference in circumstances for those I prayed for. Thank You for the reminder from my friend last night that prayer is a powerful weapon against being discouraged. Little did I know when I read her words that I would spend so much time praying throughout the night. Father, I pray for more of You and less of me that will enable You to be seen in me today. Lord just as this picture says, I pray people will see "calm in the storm...peace in the fury...hush in the chaos.." Thank You Jesus for being My Strength. Amen.

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