Friday, January 2, 2015

Jeremiah 29:11 - "Even If"

Twice within two hours the Lord has me awake praying for two situations in dire need of a healing in parent/child relationships.  I'm not even sure how to pray but have been drawn to pray for wisdom for all involved.  Both times Kutless' song "Even If" has been in my heart and that breaks my heart.  How in the world can a healing not be a part of these two situations?  Lord these two families are torn apart and need You so badly.  Right now both households are feeling like a hurricane has hit their homes.  Things are out of control and they need You so badly.  They need You to be so very real to them.  But how will they be able to feel You if You aren't healing their situation?  How will they be able to trust You if their relationship with their parent/child isn't fixed?  I'm confused with having this song come to me during both of these times of praying.  Is it associated with them or is it for my physical situation?  Lord, speak clearly to me…give me Your direction…I wait…I listen…He spoke…

Daughter, I gave you this song because of their circumstances not because of what you are going through.  What they want is not what I want.  I have plans for both of these situations but they need to allow things to be worked out my way, not theirs.  If they continue on the path they are headed down, their healing won't come.  But if they listen to my ways they will be blessed.  Listening is the key for both situations but it isn't happening all the time.  Pray for them to totally surrender their situation to me and to trust me with their loved one.  That is the only way healing will occur.  There is a lack of trust in their heart that needs to be gone.  Pray for them to trust me completely.  Thank you for your servant heart that is so in tune to listening to me.  I love you, Daughter.  

Wow, Lord!  I will continue to pray for them, specifically for them to trust in You with their loved one.  Father, there are some other relationships that come to my mind in similar situations.  I will pray for them to do the same.  Lord, I pray for peace over these homes but in order for that peace to happen I know there must be surrender to You.  I pray for love to show through in abundance to all involved.  I also pray for wisdom to come from You on how to proceed in their situation.  Once again, I know the only way for them to see Your wisdom is by surrendering their loved one and situation to You.  Lord, bless my prayers.  Bless these people who mean so much to me.  Lord, the words of this song are so very true...

Lord we know Your ways are not our ways
So we set our faith in who You are
Even though You reign high above us
You tenderly love us
We know Your heart
And we rest in who You are

Even if the healing doesn’t come
And life falls apart
And dreams are still undone
You are God You are good
Forever faithful One
Even if the healing
Even if the healing doesn’t come

You’re still the Great and Mighty One
We trust You always
You’re working all things for our good
We’ll sing your praise 

I pray for these ones to trust You enough to turn over their loved one/situation.  Lord, I know You could just take care of these situations in the blink of an eye.  But I also am getting that these ones need to make some drastic changes in their own lives before You will bless them.  Oh Lord, I pray they will see You in a different way when they wake up this morning.  I pray someone will say something to make a difference in their lives.  I pray for Your presence to be so very real to them that they will know You are the only answer to their situation.  Father, I pray Jeremiah 29:11 will come to their mind today.  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Yes!  Lord, encourage them with the knowledge that You are the answer.  Encourage them, Lord, to totally surrender to You in whatever way it takes for them to receive their healing.  Lord, I've been in similar shoes to both of these situations and I know my healing came through me seeking more of You and less of myself.  I pray the same for both of these families.  Thank You Jesus for being My Restoration.  Amen.

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