Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Proverbs 17:6a - "There Will Be A Day"

Yesterday was another day of blessing with Ben's family. It started with a yummy homemade breakfast, shopping, spending the afternoon at the pool, dinner made in pie irons over an open fire, and lots of hearing "I love you Grandma"! Woo hoo! I love to see how they all work together to do life. It is such a blessing to watch them. Mr. Weston's snuggles are the best! I laughed yesterday as I was in the bathroom and saw his little fingers under the door and hearing 'are you done yet Grandma?' One of the things I always enjoy with my grand babies is telling them stories from days gone by. It blesses me in abundance that they want to know about things of the past. Talking about their Papa Doc, Papa Powers, Great Grandpa McHenry, Great Grandpa Powers, and Great Grandpa Helmick yesterday was such a blessing. I remember times when I was growing up of being at my grandparents house and talking about family. It is an important part of our history that will be forgotten if not talked about. Yesterday the girls talked in the car about my ham balls. I thought about how something so simple has become a tradition that will never be forgotten. The memories made over these last couple of days are ones I will forever cherish. We never know when our last breath on earth will be. When God presents an opportunity before us, we need to embrace it. Opportunities to love with His love whether it be to a stranger or a family member is something we definitely do not want to miss out on. I pray for all my family to know His love. There are some family members who have not accepted it yet but I refuse to give up praying for them. Jeremy Camp sings a song called "There Will Be A Day" that is on my mine this morning. 

There will be a day with no more tears,
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day,
We'll hold on to you always

Yes! That glorious day when I take my last breath on this earth will be such a blessing. My heart breaks for many who do not see life in this way. It breaks for those who are so caught up in the ways of the world that they refuse to allow God to be in control of their life. There are many people headed to hell for eternity. I need to get better at sharing His love so more people will spend eternity with the Lord. Jeremy Camp wrote of this song: I encourage you to hold onto God’s promise that He’s prepared a place for us that is far greater than any suffering we could ever endure here. Hold on to that hope that one day there will be no more tears, no more sorrow and no more pain. And while we’re here, let’s share that hope we have in Christ. I am so grateful my grand babies live in the hope of Jesus. I am thankful they not only have Jesus' love in their heart but they share His love with others. What a blessing for this Grandma to see lived out!

Dear Jesus, Thank You once again for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead today! Thank You in advance for travel mercies as I drive back to Momma's! Thank You for the memories made with Ben, Emily, and the children! Thank You for the song "There Will Be A Day" that reminds me to share Your love so others can have the hope of eternity with You! Cleanse me so You can fill me. May You flow out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts in a mighty way. May people not only see You but experience You through me. I pray Your peace over many going through difficult days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Sharon Sebolt and her parents; Marion; Serena and her husband; Jo Ann; Carol; Vivienne; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; Chrissy; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; Rhonda; Mary Lilley; a husband/father separated from his wife; Preacher Bill Watts; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; Timmy; Amber; families in turmoil; Ms Savon's friend; Cyndi; Doug and Gay; Jill's husband Dave; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments... Sharon's daughter Ashley; Chrissy's cousins; Shirley Jones; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Betty's husband; my friend with mesothelioma; Little Ivy; and Little Judson. I pray for: the Long Family, the Tussing Family, Vickie's son Jim, and Russ. Thank You for continued improvement with Pastor Sam and Baby Henry! Lord, may You be so near to those with prodigals and near to the family of the two year old that died suddenly. Thank You for being My Eternal Hope! Amen. 

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