Thursday, February 11, 2021

Psalm 3 - "Alive and Breathing"

The Lord took me to Psalm 3 this morning. David wrote this Psalm to give God glory for being with Him as he faced fears. Yesterday was a 'tough' day. On the way to the building for the 'final' inspection it hit me. I never expected to be doing this. Doc was the one 'in charge' of the project, not me. He was the one to know the ins and outs of building. I do not. I have learned a lot over these last months but I still am ignorant in many areas of the project. I was so thankful Bob was in town to be there for it. I was also thankful God provided prayers and words of encouragement from my dear friend Marlene when I fell apart yesterday morning. Matthew Henry wrote of this Psalm what David found in God.

1. Safety; a shield for me; which denotes the advantage of that protection. 

2. Honour; those whom God owns for his, have true honour put upon them. 

3. Joy and deliverance. If, in the worst of times, God's people can lift up their heads with joy, knowing that all shall work for good to them, they will own God as giving them both cause and hearts to rejoice.

Woo hoo! Joy! He is my Joy even in days like yesterday! He is my Joy even more so in days like yesterday! When I got home yesterday afternoon, I was exhausted and in pain. I ate lunch, took a muscle relaxer, and napped for an hour and a half. When I awoke, I was refreshed and out of pain. I was ready to continue on with Bible study last night and my grief group. I can relate so much to verse eight of Psalm 8. Real help comes from God. Your blessing clothes your people! Woo hoo! He not only helped me through yesterday but He blessed me in abundance by it. I wrote yesterday morning of some lyrics in a song Bing Crosby sang that went like this:

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative

Yes! Seeing the cup half full. That is the way I desire to live. I did not expect to pass inspection the first time. The majority of the things that need corrected are up to the contractor and sub-contractors to do. Praise God! That is a positive for us. I am so thankful the inspection is done and we know what needs done to pass. I am thankful God not only saw me through it but He was glorified through the process. I am thankful for people with expertise in the project. Plain and simple. I am grateful. David started Psalm 3 with complaints just as I started my day yesterday as I thought about how I feel so inadequate for this project. David ended Psalm 3 rejoicing because God saw him through 'tough' times. I ended my day rejoicing for all of the ways God blessed me throughout the day. A phone call from my sister Linda yesterday morning; Bob being here for the inspection; Marlene talking to me and praying; rest in the afternoon; Bible study last night; Joyce who blesses me in abundance with leading the grief group; and ending my day talking with a friend on the phone. God is so, so good!

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for blessing me in abundance! Thank You for being with me yesterday through the inspection! Thank You for encouraging me in so many ways! A phone call from my sister Linda yesterday morning; Bob being here for the inspection; Marlene talking to me and praying; rest in the afternoon; Bible study last night; Joyce who blesses me in abundance with leading the grief group; and ending my day talking with a friend on the phone. Woo hoo! You are so good! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! Thank You for being my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way! Thank You for going before me and shining brightly through me! Thank You for friends who love me so well! Thank You for Lysa's study on forgiveness! Last night as I was reading there were some things brought into my mind I thought were 'taken care of.' I am thankful You are walking alongside me as I revisit them. Lord, give me Your wisdom and discernment. Thank You for Darrell Maclearn's father being released from the hospital and Joyce's mother improving! May You continue to be this family's strength. Thank You for being My Joy! Amen.

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