Friday, February 19, 2021

Genesis 50:20 - "The More I Seek You"

Friday. Wow! How is it already the end of another week? It has been a week that seems to have gone on forever in some ways yet in other ways so short. Continued 'issues' with the laptop have been challenging. Doing the funeral for a dear family was a privilege earlier in the week. Hitting my step goal a few times despite the rain has also been exciting. Today it continues to rain with a one hundred percent forecast for the day. Thankfully Saturday and Sunday have a sunny forecast with little chance of rain. Next week has warmer temps with less rain so that is something to look forward to. But all of these things really do not matter in the big scheme of things. All that really matters is I am where God wants me to be, doing what He desires of me. I know I fail at times but as I have said many times we have to try to fail. The more I strive to fulfill the desires of His heart, the more He will be pleased. The more I seek Him, the more I will find Him. The more I listen to Him, the more I will hear Him. The more I am faithful to Him, the more I will realize His faithfulness to me. I was reading in Lysa's book something that touched me in abundance. God's faithfulness doesn't mean we'll get everything we want. But it does mean God can still make our lives good. Wow! I was thinking back on this week and how many obstacles came before me with the laptop. They continue to come before me. I shared with a friend this morning that I think God is working on my patience virtue. One of the ladies participating in Lysa's study said, "Purpose to pain is a balm to the wound." Another wow! Both of these statements touch me deeply and have great meaning. They also empower me to continue to push forward when the 'junk' of this world gets heavy. There have been some heavy times this week where I was so overwhelmed but then God showed Himself to me. He made me realize I am not alone in anything I do. I wish I had a magic switch to make all the technology issues in my life go away. That is a stupid thing to say because there is no such thing. But I do have God to see me through them. I have God to give me wisdom and direction. I have God to show me what is really important in life. Plain and simple. I have God. My sermon not being done at this time in the week is not my 'normal' but it seems like there has been a lot of not 'normal' this week. That is OK. I will survive. In fact, not only will I survive but I know God will stretch my faith through these times. I was so blessed this morning with talking and praying with friends. They encourage me greatly. I am so encouraged to "keep on keepin' on" even when life gets tough. God is with me and that is all I need. I am reminded of the words of a song Kari Jobe sings called The More I Seek You...

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you

I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand
Lay back against you and breathe, feel your heart beat
This love is so deep, its more than I can stand
I melt in your peace, its overwhelming

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the reminders of what is important in life! Thank You for my friends Jenn and Angie who encourage me so greatly! Thank You for technology that allows the three of us to be in different parts of the country yet be connected! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today more than ever before. May people hear/see You instead of me. Lord, I pray for many going through difficult days with health issues in themselves or family members. May they feel Your peace today. Joy; Darrell; David; my sister Linda; Mary and so many others. I pray for Your peace over my friend who is dealing with the after effects of a fire yesterday. I praise You there was no loss of life or injury in the fire. I pray You will be with Bonnie and her family with the loss of Jerry. Lord, I pray You will come down upon me and give me a big dose of Your peace as I am feeling discouraged. May You be greater than the hurts of our hearts. I pray for Your wisdom with some decisions I have before me. May You guide me with making the decisions in Your will. Thank You Jesus for being My Peace! Amen.

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