Wednesday, February 24, 2021

II Samuel 8 - "Build My Life"

Yesterday was right up there with being such a perfect day. God is so, so good. I was reminded this morning of the words to the song Build My Life...

Holy, there is no one like You, there is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder and
Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me

And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken
And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken...

I started out my day with my normal time with God then He and I laid out sermon series for March and April. Afterward I went into town and walked at the waterfront, sat in the swings, and enjoyed God's creation. It was bittersweet as I thought about times in the past there. I remembered the knowledge God was calling us to Beaufort five years ago when we visited the waterfront for the first time. The memories of our last anniversary dinner at Saltis and the picnic lunch I won from Common Ground were precious. As I watched couples holding hands, swinging, etc. I was jealous. I miss that. I was a blessing to a few of them when I offered to take their picture together. Pictures are so important to have to reflect back on. I know my grand babies think I am crazy with how many pictures I take but that's ok. Last evening I was so blessed with my time with Joyce in my grief support group. She reminded us that grief is like the tide. It goes in and out but the Lord is always with us. I loved the way the Lord woke her at 3am with II Samuel 8 to share with the group. "After this..." Wow! I can't imagine what God has in store for me "After this"! I must remember to keep God's promises in the forefront of my mind. I must remember to trust and believe. I must remember to choose to receive His promises. Plain and simple. I must remember! The oil oozes out of the olives when they are crushed. The Holy Spirit will ooze out of me as I allow Him to use me no matter what circumstances I am going through in my life. Woo hoo! There is victory ahead for me! I do not know what it looks like but I know it is ahead! Praise His Holy Name! What a blessing to end the day with talking to Rickey and then having more time of sermon pondering with God! Woo hoo! God is so, so good!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for such a wonderful day yesterday! Thank You for the sunshine and the Son pouring down on me! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me! Thank You for going before me today and being my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts! Thank You for being so real to me! I am expecting great things in the days ahead as I await the "After this" Joyce shared about last night! Woo hoo! I am praying this morning for many but especially for: Bill and Rachael with his heart procedure today; Jennifer; Kayla; my neighbor Sarah with her grandfather's funeral today; my Momma with her doctor appointment today; my sister Linda with rehab; and for Kaye's unspoken request. Lord, be greater than the hurts of the heart. Be greater than the things of this world that can cause such pain. Lord, I pray for victory just as You gave David. I pray with expectation for what is ahead. Thank You Jesus for being My Life! Amen.

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