Tuesday, September 1, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 1; Numbers 6:24-26 - "Jesus I Believe"

The Lord took me to Hebrews 1 this morning. The first few verses in The Passion Translation read:

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.

Faith...hope...reality...foundation. Yes! Without faith and hope in God we truly have no reality and foundation. Without Him, we are nothing. There is only one way to live out our days on this earth expecting to live with Him for eternity. That way is a life surrendered to Him, walking in obedience to His will. We do not have to worry about anything but instead can rest in Him. I love something my daughter-in-law Emily wrote yesterday:

God is so faithful to meet me right here in the mundane mess of ordinary life. It’s not always revelatory or profound, but He feeds my hungry soul even when I am weary and can’t taste all of His goodness. This is a sacred moment with a Holy God. As a recovering perfectionist, it is a daily battle for me to surrender my ideals and find rest in my reality. But it is so very worth it.

"...find rest in my reality." Wow, God! Those five words speak volumes to me. Right now, right where we are living this is a choice I am going to be more intentional in living. I've found physical rest as I've laid and watched TV with Doc. I've found mental rest as I've let some projects go by the wayside. I've found emotional rest as I've allowed friends to bring meals instead of fretting over getting food made. As I read Emily's words yesterday I realized I need to allow more spiritual rest. I need to read His Word more and soak it in during these challenging days. I also need to be more intentional in reading His Word for my strength and not just for sermon or Bible study preparation. As I do, my faith and hope will become more of my reality and foundation. As I do, He will feed my soul with exactly what I need. As Hebrews 1 says, Faith empowers us... Yes! I want to stand on His love and empowerment as II Timothy 1:7 teaches us. I do not have to fear anything the enemy throws before me but instead can stand in faith knowing God is still in control. Now faith brings our hopes into reality... I continue to pray for a healing for Doc while on this earth. I don't want to do life without him and he doesn't want to leave. Do I have faith God can heal him? YES! Do I have hope He will heal him? YES! Will this become our reality? YES if it is God's will! We can't see the bigger picture but God can. He knows what is best for all of us. No matter what happens in the day ahead He will continue to be my Hope. I trust Him to do what is best for us. I love the song Big Daddy Weave sings called Jesus I Believe.

I need to hear You now
I need to know it's You
I'm standing on your promises
I know your Word is true
You're bigger what I see
It's You and in exchange for me
'Cause even the impossible can be reality
Jesus I believe

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for Emily's words yesterday that encourage me greatly! Thank You for a good night's rest! Thank You for another day with my honey! Thank You for the way You are going to give Doc exactly what he needs for whatever is ahead in this day! May today be the day You heal him! Lord, cleanse us so You can fill us. May You be our words, actions, thoughts, and attitude throughout this day! Lord, I pray continued prayers for Regina to have Your healing touch. I pray for Ray to feel Your loving arms wrapped around him with the death of his mother. Lord, there are so many hurting people in this world. May You be so real to them. May You be the strength of those who have lost family and possessions in the wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Lord, help all believers to be You to those we meet. Empower us to share You with everyone. Thank You Jesus for being My Reality! Amen.


Unknown said...

Sheila, Thank you for sharing from your weary and broken heart. Your words encourage me. Thank you for blessing and encouraging me and others through your posts. I am praying for Doc and you! Love you, dear friend Anne

My Strength said...

Thank you for your kind words! Love you too!