Monday, September 28, 2020

Matthew 6:33-34; I John 4:19 - "Remind Me You're Here"

I think one of the things I miss that surprises me the most is having Doc to bounce ideas off of. It is weird to not have him give feedback on my sermons. This is all new but hopefully it will get to become more normal. Making decisions on my own is another tough thing for me. I'm so grateful I'm truly not alone but have God right here with me. I'm praying for some others who need to realize His presence today with what they are going through. Two with health issues, a family with a tough day ahead of them, Mike Hignight's family as they are on a new journey without him, and so many others. I pray for people to realize His empowerment every day but especially on the tough ones. Yesterday's sermon about sharing God's love is one that we all need to practice more. But as I said we can't love with His love until we know His love. Oh how I pray for more people to live in His love. I pray God will use me to love on everyone He puts before me. Our Sunday School lesson taught us about sowing seeds. We never know where the seeds will fall and when the seeds we sow will be cultivated and harvested. I am reminded of the statistic it takes seven times of seeds being sowed before someone asks Jesus into their heart. We may never know the harvesting of seeds but we must continue to plant them. God will use us when we allow Him. He desires for us to love with His love. I love the words of I John 4:19. We love Him, because He first loved us. This shows the necessity of being in relationship with Him. This takes intentional immersion in His Word, praying, fasting, etc. It takes going beyond salvation and dying to self. Living in His presence is where we have His peace and know His will. This is where I desire to live. I desire to be known as His daughter who loves with His love. I desire to show His love through the way I live. I continue to rely upon His wisdom for decisions I make. I am grateful I have Him to rely upon. I continue to seek His comfort for the hurts of my heart. I am grateful I have Him to seek. I continue to draw nearer to Him to take my faith deeper. I am grateful I have Him to take me deeper in my walk. Plain and simple. Even though I no longer have my husband with me on this earth I will continue to love God as He desires. Some days are harder than others. I know there are tough days in the future but I do not have to worry about them. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33-34 in The Passion Translation:

“So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Woo hoo! We will have His peace when we walk the road of obedience to His will. We will know His love as we allow Him to love us in the way He desires. Oh how I pray for more people to realize His love. I also pray for more people who call themselves Christians to realize they are not truly living for Him if there is no fruit showing from their walk.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your love that is so wonderful! Thank You for the way You love others through me! Thank You for allowing Your love to ooze out of me! Father, cleanse my heart today so You can flow from me in abundance. May people see/hear You in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. May I be more intentional in walking in Your love. I pray peace over a family today that is dealing with some nasty stuff. I pray Your love is felt in abundance by them. May this tough day take their faith deeper. I also pray for two people who are having health issues due to aging to feel Your strength. May they know You are there for them. I pray You will continue to be close to Mike Hignight's family in this time of adjustment. May they know Your strength is theirs as they allow it. Lord, be with me as I continue to adjust to life without Doc. I miss him greatly but would never wish him back in his suffering. Lord, I pray You will continue to heal my heart, give me Your wisdom with decisions, and keep my tribe supporting me. Thank You for Joshua taking my trash yesterday and helping me last night! Thank You for Chris coming over when I needed help! Thank You again for Marlene who is with me!ch Thank You for all who text or call to check on me! You are such an awesome God! Thank You for being My Strength! Amen.

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