Sunday, August 25, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Yes, I Will"

"Normal" is a word that is non-existent in our world. Or at least it is a word that changes from time to time. I can't imagine living a "normal" life. Although, the life I live in Christ is "normal" for a follower who is sold-out and striving to live to be Christ-like. So maybe I do live a "normal" life. It saddens me to not see more believers living such a life. There is so much missed when one does not walk in His Holy Spirit. Peace in the midst of storms in missed. Empowerment when we feel like we are weak is not available. Having His love ooze out of us is not possible. I do not understand how a believer who reads their Bible does not have the desire to live their life in the way He desires. The enemy tricks people into thinking they can't live such a life. But we must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 so He can empower us to walk in His love without fear. There is no better life than this. As I prayed for pastors during the night, I began with praying for those who are doing life without His power. I prayed for them to realize how much easier life would be if they would allow Him to be their "normal." I also prayed for pastors who are not in the pulpit to realize this. He had me pray for Associate Pastors, Children's Pastors, Youth Pastors, Worship Pastors, Visitation Pastors, and Administrative Pastors to realize this too. All believers need to walk in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit if they want to fulfill God's purpose for their life. This type of life is not just for pastors but for all. Part of walking in this empowerment is being a part of a Bible preaching church where spiritual growth can occur. Another part is being open to take on any opportunity God puts before us. If we are not willing to do this, we are not committed to walking in the Spirit. Once again, my heart breaks to see believers not walking this path with God. It breaks to see people who have not accepted Him into their heart but it is usually easier to lead someone to Christ than it is to get them to quit living in the flesh. Many believers think they are 'OK' and don't need to take the next step. How sad! If only they would realize, His will is more important than their will. The new "normal" when this is realized is so much better than the old one. Yes, you may not know what will happen in your daily life but it sure is rewarding knowing whatever happens will be His will. When we say 'yes' to His will, He will be blessed. A life filled with 'yeses' is a life filled with praises. It is amazing how when we walk in His will we are able to praise Him through anything that comes our way. This morning I am reminded of the words to "Yes, I Will"...

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
For all my days, oh yes I will

Yes! I have praised Him through many tough situations. This situation with Doc's pancreatic cancer has brought many times of praise when "my heart was heavy" but I still praised Him. I will praise Him no matter what the result of the cat scans. Why? Because God always wins! How? Through God's empowerment! Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for pastors during the night! Thank You for having me pray specifically for those who are not walking in Your Spirit. Father, may You be so real to all pastors. May Your empowerment be felt by all but especially pastors. You had me pray for retired pastors to not feel like they are no longer needed. Their expertise and years of experience are a great value to not only churches but to those they live around. You also had me pray for evangelist and pulpit-supply pastors who will only be in a specific pulpit for a short time to realize the impact they have on the people. I pray for Doc to experience You in a new, different way today. I continue to pray for healing in his physical body and a boost in his spiritual and emotional bodies. Father, may You be greater than our humanness. I pray for You to cleanse me today so You can fill me. I pray for You to speak through me as I preach in a way that will change people's lives. Lord, be greater than me. Flow from my words, actions, and attitude. Thank You for being My Normal! Amen.

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