Wednesday, August 28, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 8 - "Praise You In This Storm"

God took me to Psalm 8 this morning. This is one of the Psalms we are studying this week in Bible study. I read it in different versions and pondered upon what He wanted me to receive from it. It is a Psalm of praise for God as Creator. He made everything in the world by speaking it. That is amazing to think about. The first two verses are amazing to ponder upon too. In The New Living Testament they read:

Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
    Your glory is higher than the heavens.
You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength,
    silencing your enemies and all who oppose you.

In Matthew 21:16 to tell of your strength in Greek means to give you praise. That means when we praise Him, we knock the enemy down. We give him a black eye. God wins over his tactics he tries to put on us! God wins! Woo hoo! God created each one of us. He loves us. He is always there for us. He desires for us to praise Him even during the difficult times of life. Perhaps more so than in regular times. When we praise Him, it is not to strengthen Him but to strengthen us. He doesn't need to be praised but we need to have it in us to praise Him. Praising Him in the midst of the 'storm' not only will knock the enemy down but will enable us to get our focus off of self and onto Him. As we focus on Him, He will open our eyes to more of Him. As we praise Him, our faith will be deepened. Woo hoo! This morning I am praying for so many people going through storms in their lives. My heart breaks yet I pray for them to draw closer to the Lord. I'm praying their storm will take them deeper in their faith than ever before. I'm praying for healing in physical, mental, emotional, and financial beings but most of all I am praying for healing in spiritual beings.
  • Those with the 'storm' of cancer in their lives: Doc, John, Mike, Dale, Scott, two pastor friends, Rickey's sister-in-law and so many more.
  • Those with the 'storm' of loss of job.
  • Those with the 'storm' of health issues: Paula as she recuperates from shoulder surgery; Mary Weins with a broken hip
  • Those with the 'storm' of their marriage falling apart.
  • Those with the 'storm' of grief over the loss of a loved one whether it be a few days ago or years ago.
  • Those with the 'storm' of financial woes upon them.
  • Those with the 'storm' of them or family members becoming feeble and needing to make decisions for care.
  • Those with the 'storm' of turmoil in their families.
I pray for each one going through a 'storm' to praise God through it. I pray they will not allow the enemy any open door but instead dig their faith deeper. Some 'storms' go by quickly while others drag on for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. The greatest thing about a 'storm' is that God is there with us no matter how long it lasts. I think about my breast cancer. The immediate 'storm' only lasted a few months with the diagnosis, surgeries, and treatments. But the 'storm' brews up every six months when I go for a mammogram. It is quieted but it will always be in the background until I hear the words of being cancer free. But God continues to be my strength through it. He will never leave me. But I must remember to continue to praise Him through it. In verse four of this Psalm, "David looked away from the darkness of earth and saw the divine order of the universe. This psalm is meant to join the earth to the heavens and to bring the heavenly glory into the earth making the heavens and the earth one" (TPT note). This is what we pray for when we pray the Lord's Prayer...on earth as it is in heaven. There will be no 'storms' in heaven but there will be no need for 'storms' in heaven. The purpose for them on earth is to bring us deeper in our relationship with God. It may not always seem easy to praise God through a 'storm' but it will make the 'storm' easier to get through. Praising Him is key to spiritual survival. It will empower a person to live out God's strength. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for reminding me the importance of praising You no matter what is happening in my life! Thank You for this Scripture that reminds me praising You strengthens my spiritual being! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me up with more of You. May people see/hear You instead of me today. I have prayed for so many this morning who are going through 'storms' that are trying to tear them down. May You be greater. May You show them how to praise You through their 'storms' in a new, different way. May ones like Doc who are going through cancer be empowered to stand by faith through testing, treatments, etc. May those who continue to seek employment not give up as doors close. May they know You have the perfect place for them and You will provide for their needs as they wait. Father, I pray for families and marriages in turmoil. I pray for restoration in relationships and a dependance on You by ones who are feeling weary. Lord, it is hurricane season with activity that may come our way. I pray for all in its path for protection. Lord, I would love to get through this hurricane season without any coming our way but if any do, please give us wisdom and strength. I pray for Ms Paula as she recuperates from her shoulder surgery and Cheryl as she awaits hers. Thank You Jesus for being Our Storm Tamer! Amen.

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