Friday, August 16, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 112; Philippians 4:13 - "Old Church Choir"

I woke up with these words going through my mind....

There's revival and it's spreading
Like a wildfire in my heart
A Sunday morning hallelujah
And it's lasting all week long

It continues...

I've got an old church choir singing in my soul
I've got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful
I've got a heart overflowing cause I've been restored
No there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
No there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
When the valleys that I wander
Turn to mountains that I can't climb
You are with me, You never leave me

My heart breaks to see people who go to church on Sunday and leave God out of their lives all week long. That is not how to live. The real way to live is with Him 24/7. It is a life where He is the One to make all decisions and we follow. It is a life where miracles are seen not only in our own life but in the lives of the people we touch. It is a life where 'mountains' and 'valleys' of life are seen as times of growth in our faith instead of obstacles we have to deal with. This type of life is one people cannot understand. They question how we get through 'tough' days with peace. I desire a revival in people's hearts. I don't mean the type of revival where an evangelist comes in and people get on fire for a week or two and then go back to their old ways. I desire to see a revival in people where their lives are turned upside down. I desire to see lives changed forever. FOREVER! I desire to see people take the Holy Spirit into their heart FOREVER! I desire to see the Lord become their King of Kings and Lord of Lords FOREVER! I'm tired of seeing people acting like they love God yet blatantly turn away from Him. I'm tired of seeing people who call themselves Christians be unloving to others.I'm tired of the 'junk' of this world that pulls people into the attitude that they are owed this or that. We are not owed anything. The best thing that could have ever been given to us was Jesus' death on the cross. Why is that not enough for some? Plain and simple. The enemy has many deceived in thinking they need more. He has them deceived into believing God is not enough. But He is enough. All we have to do is accept Him into our heart and allow Him to be in charge. We do not have to fear anything when we do. We can stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and be empowered by Him. We can stand on Philippians 4:12 and realize He is our strength. We can stand on Psalm 112:1 in knowing we have nothing to fear when we live a life for Him. I love Psalm 112:6-8:

Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
    they will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of bad news;
    their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
    in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. (NIV)

I was looking back at previous writing and saw on the morning of May 8 of this year I prayed for results of Doc's cat scan. That afternoon we received the results of suspected pancreatic cancer. The weeks since them have been crazy with testing, confirmation of that diagnosis, procedures, chemo, etc. That morning I wrote of Psalm 112 and how my God still performed miracles. Doc has one more chemo and then will be rescanned to see what the tumor looks like. It would be so awesome for them to not see any tumor. But if that doesn't happen then I'm praying they see the chemo has shrunk the tumor enough for it to be removed. No matter what the scan shows, we have nothing to fear. God is with us. He will never leave us. Oh how I pray more people will get into relationship with Him and then allow Him to give them this type of outlook on their life. I am worn physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially but I refuse to allow the enemy to steal my joy and be worn spiritually. I am one blessed lady. I am standing on the promises of His Word. I love the miracle Scriptures we are reading each night before we go to bed. They are an inspiration to me. Many miracles were performed in the Bible but there are also many miracles being performed today. I love reading of the services Dan Bohi and his team are seeing miracles happen over and over again. There are people that will ask why it happens in their services and not in others. It happens because there is much prayer by their team and their supporters behind the scenes. It happens because they believe it will happen. It happens because people are open to it. It happens because the team have had and are experiencing revival in their souls. I've been a recipient of miraculous healing many times. One was through Brother Dan for whom I will be forever grateful for his obedience when God told him to come for me to be healed. I trusted God for a healing and after nine long months He provided. We must never give up on God's healing touch. Instead, we must lean into Him with great faith and trust that He will heal us. Sometimes that healing will come when we get to heaven and have new bodies but no matter if we are healed on this earth or in heaven, we will be blessed. Woo hoo! Cancer will not win in my husband. The enemy will not win. Our God is the One who will win this battle for us. Woo hoo! On the morning of May 8th I also prayed for Sandie and the effects of the stroke. I prayed for a healing in her body. She didn't receive a healing on this earth but instead God healed her through death. When we pray for God's will, we must be willing to accept it. That is not always easy but it is necessary.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Father, I am physically spent. I feel like there is not enough energy to put one foot in front of the other yet I know I must. May You cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. I do not want to just get through this day but desire to be a beacon of light throughout it. May You be my supernatural empowerment to do and say what You desire of me. May You direct me to where You desire me to go today. Lord, may You empower Doc to be who You desire him to be. May You be his supernatural empowerment today over the effects of chemo. May You show Him You have not left him but instead are there beside him. Lord, I pray for my friend who is interviewing this afternoon. May Your will be done in her situation. I pray for another friend who continues to look for work to continue to seek Your will. I pray for a family who continues to be in turmoil to seek Your peace. May You continue to be with Jim as he misses Sandie so much. I also pray for people to pray for revival in their spirits so You can empower them. Thank You for Brother Dan and his team who live in this manner. Thank You Jesus for being My Revival Catalyst!

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