Friday, August 9, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 47 - "Ever Be"

This morning God took me to Psalm 47. I wondered why and He told me "you will understand" and I did. This Psalm is about praising God. Some days it may seem easier to praise God than other days. But no matter what we are going through He always blesses us in one way or another. A beautiful sunset, the beauty of blooming flowers, a cool breeze on a hot day...the list goes on and on. When you walk into an infusion lab and see people physically so far worse than you, it makes you appreciate the health you have. When you hear of a young child suffering with disease or has died, you appreciate your children and  grandchildren even more. Tough days will occur but God is always there for us. He is always our strength. We have nothing to fear because He always wins! I love the last verse of Psalm 47 in The Message...The power of earth are God's-he soars over all. Woo hoo, God! I must remember to stay in right relationship with Him with nothing between us so I can be empowered by Him. I must remember there is nothing that will surprise Him. He knows all before it even happens. He will empower me as I allow Him to. In this process, I must never quit praising Him. But it can't just be a lip service. It must be a genuine praise. I must feel it before I say it. There are so many times I will utter "Praise God" because of something happening like an item I go to buy being on sale. But when it is said there is not much emphasis or boldness. I need to be stronger in my praises! "PRAISE GOD" is what needs heard. I like what Matthew Henry writes about the last part of this Psalm:

Set up thy kingdom in our hearts. Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And so sweetly constrain all the powers and faculties of the souls of thy redeemed, into holy love, fear, and delight in thee, that praise with the understanding may rise from every heart, both here and for ever, to Thee, our God.

Oh how I love that phrase, "Set up thy kingdom in our hearts." That is exactly what I want to experience every day of my life. I want to be Christ-like. I desire for people to see and hear Him through me. In order for that to happen, I first must surrender to His will and walk in obedience to Him. As I live this life, His "praise will ever be on my lips." Woo hoo!
cDear Jesus,
Thank You for this Scripture that speaks so boldly to me this morning! Thank You for always opening my eyes to things I need to work on in my spirit! Thank You for the opportunities You presented to me yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Father, cleanse me so I can be filled with more of Your Holy Spirit. The desire of my heart is to walk in Your Spirit in a new, different way. Lord, I continue to pray for Doc to have better days but I thank You he is not as 'bad' as some we saw yesterday at the infusion center. I pray You will continue to give doctors wisdom and continue to use the chemo to shrink the tumor. Father, I also ask for You to continue to give us wisdom in financial decisions. May You keep in my mind that You are greater than anything that happens on this earth. Father, I have some friends who are going through struggles in life that I pray will allow You to be their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I pray they will see a reason to praise You today. Thank You Jesus for being My Praise! Amen.

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