Sunday, August 4, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13; James 1:2-4 - "Fighting For Me"

Yesterday morning the Lord had me praying for bi-vocational pastors who would be preparing their sermon on their day 'off' from their job. Last night before going to bed we read in John 9 where Jesus healed a blind man. In this Scripture, the man is told to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. A group from Dan Bohi Ministries prayed for Doc's healing at the pool of Siloam in May. This story holds a special place in our heart because of their action. As I prayed for Doc last night for Doc's healing, I was touched by this reminder. During the night I was awake multiple times praying for pastors. He had me pray for...
  • pastors who are discouraged in their ministry to not give up.
  • single pastors who do not have spousal support in this emotional career to stay strong.
  • Shirley who has been a pastor's wife for so many years and now is facing life without John and Patty who is doing life without Brian. He had me pray for both of these ladies to stay close to Him for His strength.
  • pastors who are dealing with disease in their body, their spouse, or a family members to remember Philippians 4:13.
  • pastors with prodigal children to never give up praying for them.
  • pastors who are blatantly sinning to confess, repent, and allow God to cleanse them.
  • pastors who are trying to do life on their own to realize the ministry He has them in is not theirs but His.
  • Pastor James who will be preaching this morning and Hope who will be in the pulpit sharing how God changed her life through NYC.
So, so many prayers throughout the night for pastors, their churches, and their families. The song "Fighting For Me" was in my mind all day yesterday and again throughout the night. Pastors are prone to be attacked by the enemy because he does not like the forward progress being made in our ministry. We must remember God is always with us.

You will never stop
Fighting for me, fighting for me
Every word is a promise You keep

God is fighting for us every day of our life. He is our Strength. He is our Protection. He is our Anchor. Plain and simple, He is our Everything. BUT the only way to receive Him fully is to give of ourselves fully. We must surrender to His will to live in it. We must allow Him to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of our life. If we don't, we will miss out on so much. He desires to bless us in abundance. He does not want to see us fall but instead wants to see us thrive in this fallen world. The desire of His heart is for us to live in His presence 24/7. There are so many people who are not in relationship with Him but there are also so many who claim to be in relationship with Him yet are only playing the part. So many have accepted Him into their heart yet refuse to allow Him to have control over them. That saddens me. It saddens me to see people struggle with issues in life in a way that does not need be. We all have trials and temptations but it is only when we allow Him to be living in us completing that we will experience His peace. It is only when we live in His presence that we can stand on verses such as II Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:13, and James 1:2-4. As we stand on these verses, we will stand in His empowerment and go deeper in our faith. We will live out His peace in a new, different way. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for a night of praying for pastors. Thank You for bringing Shirley and Patty to my prayers with the recent loss of their husbands/pastors. Thank You for being with my friend who is currently not in the pulpit. Would You lead Him in Your will and allow Him to experience Your peace with his situation? Thank You for being with Pastor James and Hope as they bring the message in their churches this morning. Thank You for being with Tony as he goes into the pulpit in his new church. Thank You for being with my husband/pastor today as once again You give him the strength to preach. Thank You for being with Him as You continue to heal him from the pancreatic cancer. Thank You for the group who prayed for him at the pool of Siloam in May. Father, cleanse me this morning so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May there be nothing in me that would separate me from Your empowerment. Father, use me today in a new, different way. Father, I also pray against the distraction of Doc's health. I pray You will keep my eyes open to opportunities to be You to others even when I am emotionally and physically spent. Last night You reminded me of some things I wanted to get accomplished over the last few months that have been put aside. If now is the time to revisit these things, give me further direction. Thank You Father for being who You are in my life. Thank You for protecting me, encouraging me, and most of all loving me. Thank You for being My Everything! Amen.

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