Tuesday, August 20, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Confidence"

The Lord woke me to these words...

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

Yes! The only way to live is by living a life filled with God. Last night I had one mention they did not know how people got through life without God. I totally agreed. I think back on all my parents went through and how they depended on God through it all. My life would be so different now if they would not have. I cannot even begin to imagine how it would be or where I would be. I am grateful they had Daniel's faith, Moses' hope, and "a heart like David" so I knew of those attributes of life. My heart breaks to see children who are being raised without God in the center of their home. How are they going to be as adults? If things do not change in their life, they won't walk with God but will allow the enemy to play havoc in their daily lives. There are many people in my little world that are 'ok' with such living. A lot of them do not know any better. That is why it is so important for believers to shine brightly so people will desire to live with God as the center of their life. God uses all who are open to be used. He directs all who are willing to allow Him to do so. The song continues...

So I'm gonna trust you and give you everything
I'll be a conquerer
Cause you fight for me
I'll be a champion claiming your victory

Yes! Victory is ours through the Lord when we accept Him and allow Him free reign with every aspect of our being. That means saying 'yes' when it might not make sense. It means loving people we would not normally think about loving. It means doing and saying things out of our 'norm' and doing so without reserve. It means standing upon II Timothy 1:7 so there is no fear but instead obedience in our spirit. The desire of my heart is to fulfill the desire of My Heavenly Daddy's heart. I do not want to disappoint Him by not following His direction. I do not want to miss one opportunity that He puts before me but instead want to walk in His will every day. As a human, I do not always accomplish this to the fullest but at least I strive to do so. I am grateful for His love, mercy, and grace that is so much a part of my life. Oh how I pray for more believers to get to the end of themselves and allow Him to take the reigns of their life. I pray for more believers to realize life is not about them and what they desire in life but instead realize what He desires for them can and will be what they desire for their life. When we align ourselves with Him, we will be fulfilled in a new, different way and be blessed in abundance. We will receive His peace even in the midst of the storms of life. He will empower us as we accept Him and trust Him with our entire being. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song today that encourages me to continue striving to be who You have called me to be! Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that fills me to overflowing with more of You. Cleanse me so You can fill me. May I not miss any opportunity You put before me today. May I love with Your love to all I meet. May they hear/see You instead of me. Lord, fill Doc with more of You today. Encourage him in a new, different way. I also pray for You to be with Ms. Paula with her dental procedure this morning; two of my friends who are seeking employment; all 'my kids' who are in their first week back to school to remember You love them and are with them; and Colleen with Triston's burn on his face. Father, I pray for more parents to come into relationship with You. I pray for more of them to realize they need to make You center of their lives. Thank You for being My Confidence! Amen.

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