Wednesday, August 21, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 23 - "What A Beautiful Name It Is"

I never thought this day would ever come. It seems like eleven weeks ago was so long ago  when Doc took the first chemo treatment yet in some ways it seems like it was just yesterday. There have been many tough days physically, mentally, emotionally, and  financially but praise God He continues to strengthen us spiritually. This morning I woke to the words of "What A Beautiful Name It Is" going through my mind. His name is beautiful, wonderful, and powerful. There have been so many times when I have called out His name in awe at the beauty of it. Many times I have called His name out knowing He was wonderful. Over these last eleven weeks I have called His name out so many times asking for His empowerment. I do not know how people get through life without Him. He is my Constant Companion for whom I am so grateful. He is my Great Shepherd for whom I follow. He is more than just my Savior but He is my King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will be the One to keep me from fearing the unknown as we await the scan and results. He will be the One to stay near me as I feel like I will fall apart. He is the One who already knows the results and the plan to go forward. Praise His Holy Name. He is the One I called upon last night when I started feeling on edge and out-of-sorts. I do not know what I would do without Him but thankfully I will never have to experience that. This morning He took me to Psalm 23. I use to think this was just for funerals but was thankful when He opened my eyes to it being more. This Psalm showed David did not just have knowledge of God but he had a testimony of God. Woo hoo! It shows David was in relationship with God. He stood upon the words of Psalm 23 just as I can do today. David knew God as his Shepherd. I was reading that the Good Shepherd of the Old Testament revealed Himself through Jesus in the New Testament. John 10:11 called Jesus the Good Shepherd who died for our sins. Hebrews 13:20-21 called Jesus the Great Shepherd who rose again. I Peter 5:4 called Jesus the Chief Shepherd who is coming back again for us. Luke 19:19 called Jesus the Savior Shepherd who came to save the lost. Luke 15 called Jesus the Concerned Shepherd who seeks the lost until they are found. John 11:35 shows how Jesus is truly the Gentle Shepherd who weeps over His sheep. The only way a person can proclaim "I shall not want" is by being able to proclaim Jesus as their Shepherd. He is all we need. As we say "The Lord is my Shepherd" we are saying...

Jehovah-Rohi The Lord is my shepherd.
Jehovah-Jirah (The Lord will provide) I shall not want.
Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord that healeth) He restoreth my soul.
Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord our peace) He leadeth me beside still waters.
Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord our Righteousness) He leadeth me in paths of righteousness.

Jehovah-Shammah (The Lord is present) I will fear no evil, Thou art with me.
Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord our banner) Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

Yes! He will provide for us (green pastures). He will give us peace (still waters). He will give us grace and mercy (restoring my soul). He will give us providence (leading in the paths of righteousness). He will be our Presence (being with us in the dark valleys). He will preserve us (His rod and staff). He will protect us from the enemy (the table in the presence of my enemies). He will be more than we need (the anointing of my head with oil). He will share Paradise with me (dwell in the house of the Lord). Woo hoo! Psalm 23 is definitely not just for times of death. It is for times of living. These words of David are ones many memorize. I know I did as a child but the words did not come to life until I realized they were written for me to hold close to my heart while going through tough days on this earth so I can spend eternity with Him. Woo hoo! Thank the Lord for revelation! I am so grateful for the words of Psalm 23 that empower me to stand upon the words of II Timothy 1:7!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the day that is ahead! Thank You for the way You are going to provide exactly what Doc needs as he goes into this 'last' chemo! Thank You for strengthening his physical body and keeping his counts in a good range throughout these last eleven weeks! Father, cleanse us so You can fill us today. May we be a beacon of light for You at the infusion center where there are so many hurting people. May people see/hear You instead of us. Lord, I pray for a continuation of Your strength in us. I also pray for others who are going through days of disease, deaths of loved ones, etc. I pray for Jeremy's family as this month is so difficult; Jim as he travels; those dealing with disease-Norma/Dale and Cathy/Mike/Kandi/two pastor friends; Steve and Peggy as they continue to deal with the after effects of cancer and chemo; two friends seeking employment; another friend facing change in employment; and my pastor friend who is out of the pulpit. Lord, be greater than their circumstances. I praise You for the birth of Caroline's little girl! I pray You will be with her and her husband as they adjust to being a family of three! Thank You Jesus for being My Shepherd! Amen.

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