Sunday, August 18, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 11 - "Shout To The Lord"

Saturday night usually ends with me praying for pastors before falling asleep. Then during the night the Lord wakes me to pray for specific pastors or situations. Last night was no different. He woke me once to pray for a pastor friend who is not in the pulpit after many years. Once again, He directed me to pray for him to listen to Him and follow His will. Another time He woke me to pray for churches with people who are blatantly standing against their pastor. The third time He woke me to pray for pastors who are doing what the people want instead of what God desires. This is not a new situation. I can remember growing up and hearing of such pastors. I will admit I do not understand how a pastor could live in such a manner but I know the enemy is always ready to destroy. It has been in the forefront of my prayers for pastors/churches for quite a while. My heart breaks to think of people in leadership doing this. It breaks to think of how many people are headed to hell due to such actions. How is it that one can call themselves a believer, let alone a pastor, and not live in the will of God? It just does not make sense to me. This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 11. He is so good at directing me to Scripture that goes right along with a song He woke me to or like this morning that goes along with the prayers He had me saying during the night. This Psalm is about the struggle David had to distrust God in time of danger. He was tempted to take things upon himself instead of allowing God to take care of him. Isn't that just what we do sometimes? Don't we go off doing our own thing or making our own decisions instead of listening to God? I strive to not do this but in my flesh I know it still happens. This is exactly what pastors who are allowing the people to lead their ministry instead of God are doing. Temptation is great in life but it does not have to be in control of our life. We must trust God and stand in firm faith so we will not only hear His voice but we will follow Him. In The Message verses four through six reads:

But God hasn’t moved to the mountains;
    his holy address hasn’t changed.
He’s in charge, as always, his eyes
    taking everything in, his eyelids
Unblinking, examining Adam’s unruly brood
    inside and out, not missing a thing.
He tests the good and the bad alike;
    if anyone cheats, God’s outraged.
Fail the test and you’re out,
    out in a hail of firestones,
Drinking from a canteen
    filled with hot desert wind.

...his holy address hasn't changed. Wow! We have His Word to follow. We have His Voice to follow but in order to do so we must be in relationship with Him where we hear His voice. If pastors are listening to the people instead of God, perhaps it is because they can't hear God. That saddens my heart in so many ways. I love the words of verse seven in The Message...

God’s business is putting things right;
    he loves getting the lines straight,
Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall,
    we can look him straight in the eye.

This is what I prayed for during the night for pastors who are not in full relationship with Him. I prayed they would get to the place where they could not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. I prayed they would not be too proud to confess before the Lord. I also prayed the enemy would be knocked out of their life and the lives of the people under their leadership. I prayed for all pastors to stand firm in II Timothy 1:7 so the Lord could empower them to be who He has called them to be.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another Saturday night of prayer for pastors! Thank You for using me as an intercessor on their behalf. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You will empower me physically throughout this day with the interrupted sleep last night. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me today to overflowing with more of You. I pray You will empower me as I lead the service today, preach Your Word, and love on people with Your love. Father, I pray for pastors who are not in full relationship with You to find You. I pray for my husband/pastor Doc to be encourage in these tough days. I pray for him to seek more of You and to go deeper in his faith. I also pray for my pastor friend who is out of the pulpit; another pastor friend with the possible closing of their church; Carl with a recent heart procedure; Steve with Peggy's health issues; and two pastor friends with cancer. During the night you had me pray for my dear friend and fellow pastor Libby to have a blessed day. You also had me pray for Tony as he continues to adjust to his new pastorate. What a blessing to have the privilege to pray for all of these dear people who are following You and trusting You with their life! May You be greater than all of us. May people see/hear You instead of us as we minister. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord! Amen.

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