Sunday, May 3, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Waymaker"

Last night was a 'typical' Saturday night with the Lord waking me to pray for pastors. The first time He had me pray for pastors to preach the Gospel. I believe these prayers were the same as last Saturday night with Him telling me there are too many who preach what they want instead of the direction He desires. He also had me pray for more pastors to preach on salvation and sanctification. The second time was for pastors to realize their family is their most important ministry. They should not pour all of themselves into others just to leave their family to receive them tired and worn out. I love praying for pastors and their families. I am blessed in knowing just as He has me pray for them He has someone praying for us. I'm tired this morning but I know the hours He has me spend in prayer during the night will be blessed in abundance. As I am His willing servant, He will pour more of Himself into me. After the last time of praying, He gave me a dream where He presented a situation to me. It was a 'big' decision for me yet I did not hesitate to accept it. I pray that is how I always am with Him. I do not want to allow circumstances or what people think to cause me to not walk in obedience to His will. Instead I want to say 'yes' to every situation. I may not understand how it will all work out but I know who does. It may seem like an impossible task to complete but I know as I stand upon II Timothy 1:7 He will empower me to do His will. I am so grateful for that knowledge. I also am grateful to be where I am today in my relationship with Him. What an awesome God He is. Even in the midst of the cancer in Doc's pancreas He is awesome. Yesterday was so special in seeing Doc do something he used to do with making a little commercial for today's service. It took a lot out of him but he accomplished it with resting. As I watched him do it I thought about how this is what God has called him to do. He has a uniqueness to him in the way he gets the message of Christ across. It was so good to see him doing what God has put upon his life. Oh how I pray for more of these times. I pray for more opportunities for him to share the Gospel. I also pray for more people to realize the need to come into relationship with God. Believers need to take the step from being saved into living a sanctified life. It is up to all believers to share God's love with others. We, as pastors, need to get better at preparing people to do so. We need to disciple people as we do life with them. It is not just up to pastors to share the Gospel but for all believers to do so. He desires that of us. He desires to be our...

Miracle Worker
Promise Keeper
Light in the darkness
My God
That is who You are

Yes! He desires to live in our presence. He desires to see us loving with His love. He desires to take people out of the pit of hell and give them life. Plain and simple. He desires. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for my times of prayer during the night for pastors! Thank You for giving Doc strength yesterday to make the commercial for today's service! Thank You for another day of life! Thank You for loving us so greatly! Thank You for knowing what we need before we even realize it! Father, cleanse me this morning so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, thoughts, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a more intentional way than ever before. I pray for each pastor who will be preaching today to be walking in Your will. I pray for pastors like Doc who are struggling physically to have their tanks filled up to overflowing so You will ooze out of them. Lord, be with pastors and leaders of the churches as they make decisions about regathering after not physically meeting from the coronavirus. May they look to You for direction. May You go before the meetings where decisions will be made and give unity within them. I continue to pray for all affected from this virus. Thank You Jesus for being My Waymaker! Amen.

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