Sunday, May 24, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Great Things"

Last night was not a typical Saturday night of praying for pastors as the Lord woke me only once. I guess He knew I was tired from what we had gone through yesterday. I was thankful He woke me the one time and I was thankful for rest. He had me pray for those preaching today to preach what He desired. He also had me pray for pastors who were opening the doors of their building to have wisdom. I thought about how it is a blessing our building is not ready yet so there didn't have to be such decisions. I also prayed for physical, mental, and emotional strength for my pastor/husband. After experiencing discomfort in his chest for over a day he went to the ER yesterday afternoon. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions I was not allowed in with him. I thought it was tough not being in for chemo treatments and doctor appointments but waiting for seven hours with him being in the ER was the worst thing ever. During the waiting time God gave me many opportunities to pray not only for him but for hundreds of others who went in for treatment. He also had me pray for their families who were waiting as I did. There were so many situations to pray for. Some I could see visible signs of why they were there and others I could not. One family came in different vehicles in what appeared to be a serious, end-of-life issue. Another young mother brought her husband in with a huge gash on his leg. People of all ages went in and of course only minors were allowed to have one person with them. I prayed for physical needs for many and emotional needs for one young lady in distress. I also prayed for a young man who walked around in the parking lot for hours while he waited on someone to pick him up. My heart broke many times for situations people are in. I thought about how hard life can be but especially how hard it is when you don't have the Lord. I prayed for everyone to be in relationship with Him and if they weren't for them to find Him. I thought about how if we weren't under COVID-19 restrictions I could have held the young child for the Momma whose husband was injured or offer to pray with people who were waiting on loved ones. But then I realized I wouldn't be sitting in the parking lot if it weren't for these restrictions. God had me there yesterday and I allowed Him to use me to pray for so many. I woke this morning to the words to Great Things that Phil Wickam sings.

You've been faithful through every storm
You'll be faithful forevermore
You have done great things
And I know You will do it again
For Your promise is "Yes and amen"
You will do great things
God, You do great things

Yes! He does Great Things even in the midst of every storm. He loves us so greatly! As I prayed yesterday for Doc and the others in the ER, I prayed for protection for them. I prayed God would not only protect the patients but also the workers. This world we are living in is a different one in many ways but the constant we can have in our life is God. He is there at all time to love on us, to guide us, to protect us, etc. He desires to be the Lord of Lord and King of Kings of our life. He desires us to praise and worship Him even in the storms of life. As I sat in the car yesterday I thought about so many people who are not in relationship with Him. I prayed someone would say or do something to get them to have an open heart to the Lord. I asked God to reveal to me how I can make a difference in people's lives. I prayed for Him to continue to empower me through the Holy Spirit as I stand upon II Timothy 1:7. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being with us yesterday! Thank You for the day ahead! Lord, give us Your wisdom, strength, and empowerment. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray for Your strength in my physical, mental, and emotional body today in a great way. I pray the same for Doc. Lord, he needs a healing in his body. We need to feel Your presence as we wait on medical testing. Thank You in advance for the way You are going to be with us! Father, I pray the same for Connie with Bob in the hospital awaiting surgery. I pray for Your will with his surgery. I pray for our friends with their elderly mother in the hospital and their father with cancer. May they feel Your presence today in a mighty way. I pray for my friend who was in the ER yesterday and awaiting test results. Lord, be so real to her and her husband. Father, today is a new day and I pray You will use me as an instrument of Your love in a new, different way. If I am the one to bring the message, may it be Your words not mine. Thank You Father for being My Constant! Amen.

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