Wednesday, May 13, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13; Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:2-4; Psalm 46:10 - "He Will Carry Me"

This road we are on is difficult and one I would not wish on my worst enemy. I don't know how people get through such times without God in their lives. I'm struggling to get through each day even with my strong faith. How can that be? How can I feel so distraught at times when I know He is with us? How can it be so hard to even breathe at times when I know He gives me breath? How can I put one foot in front of the other with so much unknown? I don't like struggling. I don't like being so emotional and having tears flow so easily. I just want to crawl into bed and cover up my head but I know that is not what God wants me to do. During the night I cried out to Him multiple times asking Him for more time for us. I begged Him for some 'good' days where we could make some more memories. I know He probably is tired of me praying for a healing in Doc's body while on this earth sooner than later but I will continue to do so until he takes his last breathe. I prayed for strength for both of us. I will continue to stand upon the promises God has given me. 

II Timothy 1:7 for His empowerment of the Holy Spirit over fear. 
Philippians 4:13 for His strength in my physical, mental, emotional, financial, and especially my spiritual body. 
Proverbs 3:5-6 for His wisdom to be mine.
James 1:2-4 for His joy to overtake me in a mighty way through these 'tough' days.
Psalm 46:10 for His presence to surround me as I rest in Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for the day ahead! Father, may today not be so horrible for Doc as a typical chemo day is. May You surround him with more of You and strengthen him through this day. Father, I am praying: II Timothy 1:7 over both of us for Your empowerment of the Holy Spirit; Philippians 4:13 for Your strength in our physical, mental, emotional, financial and most of all our spiritual bodies; Proverbs 3:5-6 for Your wisdom; James 1:2-4 for Your joy; and Psalm 46:10 for Your presence. Lord, be greater than C. I also pray for Dick and Brenda as those recuperate from surgeries; my friend who lost her mother; and my friend whose brother is on life support. May You be greater than what they are dealing with in these days. I pray they will lean into You for Your strength. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. My tank feels 'empty' in many ways but I know You are with me. Thank You Jesus for being My Filler! Amen.

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