Yesterday was a trying day. Once again Doc was still sick and unable to eat and for several hours Mordecei was having trouble breathing. I felt like I was going to cry for quite a while. I probably would have felt better if I would have. God uses tears to cleanse me. In the midst of all that was going on I had a bright spot of reading part of a book Max Lucado wrote called you'll get through this. It tells the Old Testament story of Joseph's life and how he never stopped trusting God through all he went through. There is one part that spoke volumes to me.
You'll get through this.
It won't be painless.
It won't be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don't be foolish or naive.
But don't despair either.
With God's help, you'll get through this. (Lucado)
This morning God took me to Psalm 11 where David was tempted to no longer trust in God. As I read it I thought about how there are probably many believers right now questioning if God really cares about us. How could a God love us yet allow the coronavirus to kill so many? How could a God love us yet allow so much hatred be in our world? How could a God love us yet there be starving people? We must remember God does not cause evil but He will allow it. He uses evil to draw people closer to Him. During the night I prayed for pastors multiple time to speak words of life in their sermons. I prayed for them to not allow their own feelings over our present circumstances to become greater than the message God intends them to give. I also prayed for people to be receptive to the message presented. I prayed for all believers to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in these days of turmoil and for the day of His return to be soon. In The Passion Translation Psalm 11:3 has a question that can be applied to today. What can the righteous accomplish when truth’s pillars are destroyed and law and order collapse? The answer is found in the remaining verses of this chapter:
Yet the Eternal One is never shaken—
he is still found in his temple of holiness,
reigning as Lord and King over all.
He is closely watching everything that happens.
And with a glance, his eyes examine every heart.
For his heavenly rule will prevail over all.
5 He will test both the righteous and the wicked,
exposing each heart.
God’s very soul detests those who love to resort to violence.
6 He will rain down upon them judgment for their sins.
A scorching wind will be their portion and lot in life.
7 But remember this: the Righteous Lord loves
what is right and just, and every godly one
will come into his presence and gaze upon his face!
he is still found in his temple of holiness,
reigning as Lord and King over all.
He is closely watching everything that happens.
And with a glance, his eyes examine every heart.
For his heavenly rule will prevail over all.
5 He will test both the righteous and the wicked,
exposing each heart.
God’s very soul detests those who love to resort to violence.
6 He will rain down upon them judgment for their sins.
A scorching wind will be their portion and lot in life.
7 But remember this: the Righteous Lord loves
what is right and just, and every godly one
will come into his presence and gaze upon his face!
We must stay faithful to God in these days of turmoil. He needs us to be the people He has called us to be so lives will be changed. We must proclaim His love over people and walk in His love so people will desire to be in relationship with Him. That is the only way we will spend eternity with Him. We cannot change people but we can allow Him to love on them through us so they don't spend eternity in hell. It is not up to us to save them but it is up to us to walk in obedience so people will be saved. We must not only hear His voice but we must walk in obedience to it. I am reminded this morning of the words to Goodness of God.
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a Father
I've known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah
And all my life You have been faithful, ohh
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God, yeah
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a Father
I've known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah
And all my life You have been faithful, ohh
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God, yeah
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for getting me through the time yesterday of Mordecei's breathing issues! Thank You for him feeling better! Thank You for all the people who supported me through it in prayer! Thank You for Doc being able to concentrate to write a sermon! Lord, I pray for a 'good' day to happen for him soon so we can make some more memories. I also pray for him to be able to eat so he is not so weak. Thank You for the work accomplished at the church building! Thank You for Lucado's book that is speaking to me! Thank You for Nancy going the 'extra mile' to get it for me! You bless me so much and I am grateful for every blessing. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be seen/heard in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. May I be more intentional in sharing Your love. Father, just as I prayed before going to bed and then again several times during the night I pray for pastors to speak the message You desire today. I pray for them to not allow their thoughts or emotions to become greater than what You desire of them. Lord, may You shine brightly through all believers today. May Your love become greater than the hate of this world. Father, protect our police officers in this time of unrest. Protect our front-line medical workers in the time of this virus. I pray a blessing over all of our government and pray they will be following You. Lord, be with Tricia with Allayna's situation. Comfort her and give her Your peace. Thank You Father for being My Goodness! Amen.