Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Romans 8:18 - "Even So Come"

A song Chris Tomlin wrote with some others has been in my mind for the last few days.  It is called "Even So Come" and is about the Lord returning soon. I love the part that goes...

Like a bride waiting for her groom
We'll be a Church ready for You
Every heart longing for our King
We sing
Even so come
Lord Jesus, come 

"A bride waiting for her groom...." There is anticipation, excitement and longing in the relationship between a bride and her groom. I am saddened by many believers who don't have that feeling in their spirit as they await His return. It saddens me to see all the negativeness in people. Yes, this world is not always fun to live in but with the hope of the Lord in my spirit I try to not allow the negativeness get to me. I know He will return and I also know I will be ready for Him. I'm tired of the junk of this earth and ready to spend eternity with Him. I'm tired of the pain in my physical body but as a dear friend reminded me...For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18) Woo hoo! To that I say 'AMEN'! This body is only mine while on this earth but soon I will have a new body! 

Oh how I pray for more people to come to know the Lord. I also am praying for those who know Him but aren't living in right relationship with Him. How I pray they will make amends with Him. I pray for those who aren't longing for His return to come to the point in their life where they are ready. I pray for those who are in turmoil in relationships to make amends with those they have hurt or been hurt by. I pray for people to fall on their faces and repent for their wicked ways. I pray for pastors to preach heaven as a real place and not just a fantasy. I pray for evil to be revealed in situations where it needs to come to light. Most of all I pray...

Even so come
Lord Jesus, come 

Dear Jesus,
You have heard my prayers...I am crying out for You to return. I know it will happen in Your time and I also know we must be ready at all times. Father, I am so tired of pain...physical and emotional. I am so tired of the 'junk' of this world. As I cried out to You yesterday You told me this is the way it is for now. Lord, I don't want it. I'm sorry that I'm feeling this way. I know I should be stronger in my spirit but I just am not. Physical pain is hard to deal with but the emotional pain is overbearing. Lord, I just want out of it. Open doors that need opened and close doors that need closed. Most of all I ask for Your strength for whatever You will see me through. Thank You Jesus for being My Hope in This Dark World. Amen.

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