Friday, December 18, 2015

Matthew 6:21 - "Peace Has Come"

What a blessing to have Ben, Emily and the children here to celebrate Christmas! So much energy and fun was in this house! I sat and watched the children play and thought, "Wow God...You are good!" Listening to the giggles and seeing the interaction between the children was priceless. I loved having them ask for seconds at breakfast! Just hearing "Grandma Sheila" is enough to make me fill like I am going to bust. 

I know there are a lot of people who are not as fortunate as I am with having their children able to come home to celebrate. For them, I am praying someone will help them in their loneliness. There are also those who are struggling with their loved ones no longer being on this earth. For them I am praying God's strength to enable them to be able to celebrate Jesus' birth despite their circumstances. For those who are struggling with having to celebrate a different day than the holiday I pray they will realize Jesus' birthday should be celebrated every day not just December 25. With living through a divorce I learned "the day" does not have to be the day to celebrate. We all have a choice to make. We could be sad because we aren't with our loved ones on "the" day or we can rejoice for when we are able to celebrate with them. 

Matthew 6:21 reads, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." My treasure is in the Lord. He blesses me in abundance through my family. We have been through some tough times. It is only through Him we are where we are today. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the time Ben, Emily and the children were here to celebrate Your birth. Thank You for all of the "Grandma Sheila's" that came out of their mouths, the hugs from their arms and the precious looks between me and them. Father, I pray they saw You in me. I pray they heard You in my words. Lord, I also pray a continued blessing upon them. Lord, may they grow up asking You to fill them with more of You just as I do. May they seek more of You. May they desire to bless You. Thank You Jesus for being this Grandma's Blessing! Amen.

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