Tuesday, December 22, 2015

James 1:2-4 - "Down To The River To Pray"

I woke up early and started praying for different ones who are going through some tough days with their little ones...
  • the family who only had a few short hours with their newborn daughter yesterday
  • the family who just had their little guy still born
  • the Momma who is thinking about what life would be like had her little girl lived
  • the family with the little guy going through cancer treatments
  • the family with their little girl going through cancer treatments
  • the family with their teen daughter battling cancer
  • the family who just lost their teen son in a car accident
  • the family who just lost their daughter in a car accident
  • the family who just lost their daughter who battled disease for many years
  • the divorced parents who will be separated from their children over the holidays
It just seems so overwhelming with all of the young people who are suffering. Then my prayers turned to dear friends who are dealing with the holidays without a loved one with them. Every time you turn around you see something that reminds you of your loved one and many times the tears will come. It is OK...the tears are part of the healing process. 

Then my prayers turned to many who are struggling in their job situation. Some are because of working so many hours. Some are because they have had their hours cut or are looking for a job. Some are having stress in dealing with co-workers. Some are having stress due to the impact of the economy on their jobs. 

Then the Lord directed my prayers to families who have issues and either won't get together for the holidays because of those issues or there will be a ton of stress when they do get together. My heart breaks for parents who aren't seeing their grown children. My heart breaks for children who aren't seeing their parents...some don't even know where their parents are. I just wish I could fix all of their situations. But I can't. Only the Lord can. Sometimes He chooses to not fix things because people need to get to the end of themselves and allow Him to be in control of their lives. That is not an easy thing to do but it sure is the most peaceful way to live. We all have a choice. We can either continue to live in the junk of the world or we can live for the Lord. Life's problems will not all go away but they will become easier to handle when He is in our lives. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for reminding me over and over yesterday as I ran into 'junk' that I needed to choose JOY! Thank You for forgiving me when I grumbled instead of choosing JOY! Lord, I have been praying this morning for so many people who are hurting. Lord, I pray they find a way to choose JOY. I pray they will not fall into the habit of 'hurting people hurt people' as they go throughout these days. Love on them in such a way that there will be no doubt You are with them. Oh how I pray they will come into relationship with You where they realize You are the One to guide them through this life in order for them to spend eternity with You. Father, I pray for more of You in myself. I ask that You fill me to overflowing so there is no doubt that You are in me. Be my words...be my attitude...be my actions. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy! Amen.

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