Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Colossians 1:1-14; I Peter 1:13-16 - "Through All Of It"

A song Colton Dixon sings goes..."I've seen joy, I've seen regret; But You my God have been with me through all of it..." Everyone goes through days of joy and days of regret. But not everyone can say God is with them through the good and the bad. If those who can't say that would only realize He is always with us, they would be blessed in abundance. If those who do not believe they need Him in their life would come into relationship with Him, they would realize the troubles of life are easier to handle when we have His strength. Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with Him. It is not enough to just be saved. We need to be surrendered to Him. When we surrender, we hear His voice in a whole new way. A life of surrender is a life of living for him 24/7. It is a life of doing His will because His will is the desire of our heart. This morning I am praying for more people to have that desire in their heart for more of the Lord to work in and through them. I am praying Colossians 1 over those who have accepted Him into their hearts but have not completely surrendered to Him...

  • Verse 3...thank You Lord for those who believe in You 
  • Verse 4-5...thank You Lord for many who have faith in You and the way they love on others by sharing You with others
  • Verse 6...thank You Lord for the fruit seen by ones who follow You
  • Verse 9-10...Holy Spirit, fill all believers to overflowing with more of You so we all will fulfill Your will for our lives
  • Verse 11...strengthen and empower Your followers
  • Verse 13...protect us all from the enemy
  • Verse 14...remind us all to not take Your death on the cross for granted 
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being with me on days of joy AND days of regret. Thank You for my days of regret becoming fewer and fewer because of the life of surrender I live. Lord, You are so awesome in the way You speak to me. I love not only hearing Your voice but living in Your Spirit. Father, bless my day in abundance with more of You. Put before me opportunities to be You to others. My physical body is struggling but my spiritual body is ready to go. You are my strength...You are my empowerment...You are the One to direct my words and steps. Woo hoo! Father, that is so exciting to live! Sometimes I feel like I am going to bust with the way You live in and through me. Oh how I pray for more people to get to this point in their relationship with You. Life could WOULD different if people would let go of self and allow You to do in them what they were put on this earth to do. Be You to others. You did not die on the cross for us to live just to have people living for themselves. No, You died on the cross for us to live so we would be Christ-like. Lord, I strive to follow I Peter 1:13-16 because the desire of my heart is to be Christ-like. Thank You Jesus for being My Example! Amen.

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