Monday, December 21, 2015

Romans 15:13 - "Break Every Chain"

As I was grumbling when I got woke up this morning the Lord quickly reminded me I woke up. He has given me another day of life. I am breathing. I have the capability to walk on my own strength. I am getting closer to functioning pretty 'normal' again for someone with MS. He has blessed me in abundance as far as my physical body goes. He also has blessed me in abundance in my spiritual body these last seven months as I have gone deeper in my relationship with Him. Sometimes my human nature kicks in and I get crabby and for that I am sorry. I wish it didn't. My choice for today would have been to sleep longer. But that didn't happen and I must choose to be happy not crabby. Sometimes that is easier said than done but as I start adding more of Jesus into me it becomes easier. The more time I spend in praying and listening to Him enables me to be filled up with Him. Each and every Scripture I read encourages me. I go back to the verse from yesterday in Romans 15:13...May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. There is hope in Jesus. There is joy in Jesus. There is peace in Jesus. How? Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Woo hoo! 

Dear Jesus,
Empower me Lord! Fill me to overflowing with more of You! I know Your peace is my peace when I am consumed by You. I know I will hear Your Voice when I live in Your Presence. Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus for Kingdom Living! Father, may more people come into such relationship with You. I pray for people going through tough times to find Your peace. I pray for people who think they are in impossible situations to find You as their answer. Lord, speak clearly to people. But most importantly empower them to hear Your Voice. "Break Every Chain" in people's lives through the power of Your Name. Thank You Jesus for being My Empowerment! Amen.

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