Wednesday, April 1, 2015

James 4:13-17 - "Day One"

The Lord woke me up at 4:30AM with the song "Day One" and had me praying for a family going through a difficult time with the health of a loved one. What if today were the last day of their life on this earth? What if today were to be the last day of my life on this earth? How would I spend it? Who would I spend it with? 

It's day one of the rest of my life
It's day one of the best of my life
I'm marching on to the beat of a brand new drum
Yeah, here I come 
The future has begun
Day one

When we accepted the Lord or if we were a believer and fell away and came back to Him, we could say that "It's day one of the rest of my life." Normally on that particular day we have a resolve to live for Him and do whatever it takes to know we will spend eternity with Him. But what about when we fall short? What about when we say or do something hurtful to someone? If I knew that today would be my last day on this earth, would there be people I would apologize to? Would there be people I would try to share the Lord with one last time?

None of us know when we will take our last breathe. Doctors can estimate but don't really know when one will die. But the thing that we need to remember is that as long as we are living and breathing we can be...

Starting over, I'm starting over
Starting over, I'm starting over, starting now
I'm starting over
Starting over, I'm starting over
Starting over
Starting over, starting now
I'm starting over

Once we take our final breathe on this earth life we won't have the chance to share Him with others. We must take every opportunity to be Jesus to people each and every day. We must be mindful of our words and actions. We must live a life of surrender so He will fill us up with Himself to the point of overflow. 

Dear Jesus,
I pray for this family who are watching their loved one go through such a horrendous time on this earth. There is joy in knowing where the loved one will be when they leave this earth yet there is sorrow in knowing this won't be their home. Father, give them an added dose of Your love in these days. Father, speak to them so clearly if there is anything between them and their loved one that needs taken care of. Lord, I pray for more of You and less of me. I pray to be filled to overflowing with You so that Your thoughts will be my thoughts. Your words will be my words. Your actions will be my actions. Father, forgive me when I say or do something not of You. Please bring to my mind anytime I need to apologize to someone. Lord, I am grateful to have this day to be Your servant. I am grateful to have Your love to love others. Most of all I am grateful to have the knowledge that You are My Future. Amen.

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