Friday, April 24, 2015

Ephesians 6:13-17 - "Day One"

In the wee hours of the morning the Lord woke me and had me pray the armor of God over people. He urged me to pray for some people I know going through some battles. After I prayed I fell back asleep. It was interesting then when I woke again to have the song "Day One" on my lips. Another interesting tidbit to start off my day was a picture I saw in a devotion I receive on-line.

In the devotion it talked about how not only do we have breakdowns in our physical bodies but we also have breakdowns in our spiritual bodies. It takes preventive care in order to stay healthy. When we eat the wrong things or don't get enough exercise, our physical bodies will suffer. The same is true with our spiritual bodies. When we neglect being filled with God's Word, praying or allow ungodly things into our lives, we will have a spiritual breakdown. Sometimes things are allowed into our lives that blatantly are against God while other times there are subtle things. No matter what we must recognize the need to pray the armor of God over our spiritual life regularly.

The enemy will use every open door to get into our hearts. He will use people and circumstances. He will use things such as alcohol or drugs. He will use busy schedules to pull us away from our time with the Lord, whether it be our personal devotion time or our church activities. He will use physical ailments. We must be on our guard at all times to not allow him any open doors. This picture of the armor of God is specific to the addiction of gambling but no matter what is causing problems in our life His armor is ready to enable us to live a godly life. 

When we have fallen or going through a battle, He is ready to equip us to overcome the obstacles before us. Sometimes those obstacles are put there from the enemy. Sometimes the Lord allows things to happen to us to wake us up or to draw us closer to Him. The desire of His heart is for us to be in communion with Him 24/7. He wants us to grab onto Him when we feel like our world is falling apart. He wants us to cling to Him when the enemy comes knocking at our door. When the enemy finds a weakness, he goes for it. When we have on the armor of God, we have the Lord's strength to stand against the enemy.

How can we have His protection each and every day of our life? By living for Him. By being in His Word. By communicating with the Lord continually. By allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Will we still be attacked? Oh my yes! When the enemy can take a believer down, it is one less person he has to contend with. How can we survive the attacks? We must stand firm in the Lord's power. We cannot try to handle attacks on our own strength but rather in His power. When we try to handle things ourselves, God is prevented from working in us. A soldier doesn't just stand still and allow the enemy to win. Instead a soldier moves forward with his weapons. That is the same as to what we need to do. We need to move forward as believers with our armor in place and ready to use.

Dear Jesus,
Woo hoo...what an exciting time we've had these last few hours. Thank You for waking me to pray the armor of God over people who are dealing with some nasty things. Thank You for reminding me of Your protection that is available to all who stand up against the enemy. Thank You for being more powerful than the enemy. Lord, he is working overtime in and through people. There are so many dealing with junk from him. I pray they will turn their situations over to You. I praise You, Lord for the way You enable me to stand firm in my faith but I know the enemy would love to stop me. Therefore, I must stay on guard at all times. Father, I also want to thank You for putting someone on my heart last night that was going through a tough time physically. I praise You for blessing me not only in asking me to pray for them but also when I told them I was praying and they told me their circumstances. They were blessed in knowing You had someone praying for them. Lord, I don't know where You will take me today but I pray for more of You to flow out of me in order to do Your will. I pray You will be seen in me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Protector. Amen.

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