Friday, November 2, 2018

Psalm 121 - "Mountains and Valleys"

It seems like every time I turn around there is someone facing major mountains in their life. Some with health issues such as cancer; some with financial issues from loss of job, making poor decisions, change in family status, etc.; some with relationship issues with family and friends; some with spiritual issues where the enemy has got into their life and playing havoc; the list goes on and on. My heart aches for all of them. I wish I could make things better but I can't. I can pray and ask God's will for them and that is exactly what I do. Many of them will not like God's will because it will not take them out of their situation. The cancer will not go away, the car will still get repossessed, the person being nasty to them will continue to be. God's will is not always what is desired because it doesn't always 'fix' things. He desires for us to draw closer to Him and go deeper in our faith. This probably will not happen if life is going along well. People won't need Him if they are 'happy' in life. But God does not desire us to be 'happy' but instead wants to see us holy. There are many people who will say they can't be holy because they aren't perfect. God doesn't expect us to be perfect but He does desire us to strive to be like Him. That means waking up each day and asking Him to cleanse us of anything that is between Him and us. It means asking Him for direction before making any decisions. It also means whatever He tells us, we do. That is not always easy to do but it is necessary if we desire to live in His will. My heart breaks for people who choose to not live in such a manner. They find themselves living on a roller coaster of emotions. They are on the mountain as things go their way and then down in the valley when they don't go as they desire. When one seeks living a life of holiness, the ups and downs of life become more steady. The emotions do not go as deep as God is in control. He makes the mountains and valleys so much easier to deal with. They are still there but life is different as you walk through them.

On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the One who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there

Psalm 121 is one that gives hope. When we look to God, He is there to guide us. His loving arms will wrap around us and calm us in times of trial. His voice is there to direct us as we listen and follow it. This Psalm shows how we can have eternal life with our Heavenly Father by walking with Him while on this earth. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Psalm 121 that encourages me to continue on my walk with You. Thank You for the way You are with me in the valleys as well as on the mountaintops. Thank You for being what I need every day to live a life striving for holiness. Lord, there are so many facing mountains right now. I pray You will continue to be with those who are in relationship with You. I also pray You will put people before those who are not in relationship with You so they will find You. Cleanse me so You can fill me. Pour more of Yourself into me so people will see/hear You instead of me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Holiness. Amen.

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