Saturday, November 25, 2017

Psalm 67:6-7 - "Every Good Thing"

Everyone has twenty-four hours in their day. Everyone has a birthday each year along with holidays such as Christmas which is one month from today. Everyone also has a choice on how they spend their days. Some days are harder than others with memories of loved ones who have passed, separation from family due to miles, not being with family due to divorce or family conflict, health issues of yourself or others...the list goes on and on. The only thing that enables one to get through such hard days is the Lord. He is the Constant in this life of chaos. He is always with you no matter what the circumstance one is going through. His empowerment allows one to not only get through the tough days but to find tidbits of blessings in them. He is the One to give direction on how to celebrate on different days than the holiday itself. He loves us so greatly that He blesses in abundance when one walks in His path of obedience. Yesterday was a day where many went out 'Black Friday' shopping. Most people were looking for good buys for the perfect gift to give. Some people go out on that day because it is a tradition for them and/or their family and friends. Some people even go just to see the crazy people who are out on the day. I will never forget the year I got up early to go get Paul a television for his bedroom. I ended up with a lady trying to fight me. It was crazy and one thing I decided I did not like to do. With yesterday being 'Black Friday' we went out on a quest to find something but it wasn't the perfect gift to give. It was one of God's creations. Doc saw cotton fields last week when he traveled to Rock Hill to get the pews. He knew I would love to see them so he took me on a drive. As we came upon them, I was amazed at such beauty. It was priceless! I am amazed over and over again at the beauty of His creation in this new area God has planted us. Most of all I am grateful for the way God continues to bless us with such things as Doc having a day off yesterday. It has been several weeks since that has happened and I was so blessed God granted it to us. I also was blessed as I stood by the cotton field and looked out over acres of white to know God is the Great Creator who made not only the cotton but He created me for a purpose. That purpose is to share His love with others. He put us here in this new area to bless new people. It is not easy being away from family but He makes it easier by blessing us with things such as yesterday. I was reminded of going for rides growing up. My Daddy would let me choose going 'left' or 'right' when we came to a crossroad. Sometimes we would take a lunch with us and sometimes we would have the treat of eating out. Sometimes when we passed an ice cream stand my Daddy would stop for me and sometimes he wouldn't. Those were much simpler days than today but every day is a blessing from the Lord. Yesterday as we visited a new area, walked around in little shops, saw the cotton fields and then enjoyed some good BBQ I felt like royalty. There were times tears came to my eyes in knowing my Heavenly Father loves me so greatly. He not only created me but He created Doc to love me. He created the beauty on this earth to share with me. He created the sunshine which shined down on our day but most importantly He created the Son to shine down upon us.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the day of blessings yesterday. Thank You for the blessings ahead in this day. I am excited to get to spend some time with Tim and Terri. Thank You for orchestrating time with family. I also am excited to see what You have in store for today on ways I can be a blessing to others. I pray for a cleansing in my soul so You can ooze out of my words, actions and attitude. I also pray for a healing in my throat as it hurts so bad. May You be greater than a sore throat so it does not distract me from an opportunity You put in my path. Thank You Jesus for being My Creator. Amen.

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