Saturday, November 18, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "Blessings"

Yesterday was a frustrating day in many ways but I knew the Lord was with me every step of the way. I prayed yesterday morning: Father, today is a day full of appointments and I feel like I can't do it. When Doc asked me this morning if I was going to make it and I said no, You immediately corrected me that I would on Your strength. God answered these prayers in a mighty way. After many phone calls, texts and emails I was able to get a container delivered to the building for the pews that were to be delivered today. It was only by a miracle that this task was accomplished. The first call happened at 8:15AM and the container was delivered at 1:15PM...only a God thing! Other ways He showed Himself was the timing of the morning. I left the house at 10AM and by 11:25AM I was sitting in the doctor's office awaiting my appointment. In that hour and twenty-five minutes the parade application was dropped off, the trip to the tax assessor's office was completed and tickets to friends were delivered. Normally speaking on a Friday in Beaufort only one of those tasks would have been accomplished due to traffic. When I left the house, I prayed the Lord would not have the delivery of the container happen while I was in the doctor's office and it didn't. In fact, it was only after my appointment, getting blood work and stopping at another doctor's office that I found it was time to meet the delivery man for the container. The whole day God showed Himself to me. Therefore, I worked hard at allowing Him to flow in and through me. As I left each place I would say with a smile, "Have a blessed day!" Conversations with nurses, doctor, etc. were upbeat and full of His love oozing out of me. One frustrating conversation before I left the house was not handled in the best way but the Lord reminded me He had the situation under control so I need not be worried. Last night when we received the call there was an issue with the truck to get the pews He reminded me again He had the situation under control. I had to think about James 1:2-4 and realize this is just another opportunity to praise Him in the midst of trying times. As I told a friend this morning, 'we must be doing something right with all the opposition.' I think back to the message He gave me Wednesday night about there being some who weren't ready for what He has in store for the church. In my humanness I think all this opposition could push people away instead of drawing them deeper in relationship with Him. But then He reminded me He is in control. For that, I am grateful.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so much that You were so evident in every minute of my day yesterday. Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that enables me to do what You desire of me. Thank You for doctors You give wisdom. Lord, I pray for 'good' results from my blood work and the upcoming MRI. But Father I know even if there are 'bad' results You are in control. I pray for the issue with the transportation of the pews to be resolved in Your way. May there be no manipulation by anyone involved but Your plan to show through. I pray for people to unload them, whatever the time of delivery. Maybe there will be more available at that time than there would have been this morning. Whatever Your plan, may You be glorified through it. Father, cleanse me and use me. Fill me to overflowing with more of You so people will see/hear You instead of me today. Thank You for being My Opportunity Maker. Amen.

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